Celebrating a Birthday and Upcoming Wedding of Dear Friends | Preparing for Hivelloween 2021 | A Joy-filled Purposeful Weekend

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

A Joy-filled Purposeful Weekend.jpg

Nothing happens by chance. The choices we make and the people we meet are orchestrated by such magnificence and grandeur and timed with precision and care. No accidents or "chance encounters". My heart is filled with such an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love that I cannot possibly explain in writing. Right now, here I am, with all this life in me, with my heart beating crazily fast and my eyes wide open to unbounded possibilities, and my hands open to the likelihood of constant change, and with acceptance in my soul, whispering every bit of "content" in my cells, to the very core of my being. This is my life. ("I do not have a lot but I have enough. I do not know a lot but I know enough."-from Wabi-Sabi Book) I AM ALIVE. NOW. HERE. AT THIS MOMENT. No time for "I shall do this tomorrow" for none of us are ever promised of tomorrows, and somehow there's comfort in not knowing certain certainties in life. I choose however I want to see life as it unfolds. Yes, there are so many uncertainties, doubts, and fears, but there's also so much warmth, joy, growth, love, laughter, bliss, and all kinds of adventures, too. I am fully present and alive and with joy in my heart and gratitude in my lips, I sincerely hope that you are thankful to be where life has led you now, now, at this moment. There's no other time as now, blimey. ✨ -Jong
Aren't you glad to be alive today? 🌼

Celebrating Hannah's Birthday
A Belated Birthday Eat-Out and Coffee Date!

In the previous post, I have shared that generally, women are much more relational beings than men and that many women are more relational than their peers. In my observation, I can say that I belong to the former kind of women who tend to be "more relational" and borderline "clingy" lol. It is just that I am the kind of person who takes my friendships seriously, and I always cherish my circle. Always. That is why my good friend Michelle and I decided to call the birthday girl so that we can all catch up over good food and great coffee! Hannah is an Octoberian baby and so we thought we can all hang out to celebrate her special happy day. Since @hannahs.journey, Michelle and I all share the love for cheese, we went to Fat Dois for our yummy lunch! If you've been following my blog, you might have read what I think about the food in this resto here.



Michelle, Hannah and I, as we await our order. 😅

The birthday girl took a photo of us while we were busy with our phones, trying to plan where to go next. 🤣


The blooming birthday girl, Avegirl 😘

The three of us with our co-teacher and good friend Ms Rhea 😊
Happiest of birthdays, @hannahs.journey! We love you. 💗

We all love a good cup of iced coffee on a hot afternoon!
I could taste this cup just by looking at it.
Coffee with a donut and a chocolate cake slice sounds like a recipe for a wonderful afternoon.

Celebrating Charisse's Upcoming Wedding
And Almost Blowing Up the Surprise Bridal Shower??

In a week's time, my good friend Charisse of @charisse.craves will tie the knot, and we've decided to catch up. She gave the invitation card personally, and we exchanged several laughs over good cups of frappucinos that afternoon. As her bridesmaid, I almost spilled the surprise for the bridal shower lol. Good thing I was able to keep my excitement and kept my mouth shut haha. During our meeting, I also discussed with her some important notes about Hive that she had missed as she was late during the previous meet-up. The glowing bride-to-be is so excited (and a bit nervous) for her Big Day!💗 The photos of this portion are from Cha's camera. 🤗

We've got to have an OOTD shot lol😅


Annyeong! ✌️
Obligatory shot with drinks🤣

This is how I feel about the Christmas air.
Out for dinner!
Me, Cha, and Carly💓
T'was a lovely dinnertime.💕

We had a great dinner at Cooee.😊

*PS, I had already posted about Cooee in this blog post.

Team Building Challenge: Decorate the Photo Prop for Hivelloween 2021
Impromptu designs, healthy food, so many convo shared, and a whole lot of fun Sunday!

Yesterday October 17th, we gathered once again to make the photo prop for the upcoming Hivelloween 2021. We all met at Ms Gil's place and had fantastic lunch, snacks and dinner and a wonderful time together! I enjoyed every bit of our conversation as we get creative in trying to make a decent photo prop lol.😅😍

An obligatory pre-lunch photo! 😆

The Tinolang manok or savoury chicken soup was made with so much love by @gerel❣️ and @itsmiessyonpeakd?❣️

The yummy-tasting vegetable lumpia was made by our vegan head chef @asasiklause ❣️

What a delightful lunch we had! The stories these photos tell.....😂

After we were all full, we then proceeded to have the brainstorming process.

Let me acknowledge our creative director during this entire creative pursuit @cheerupwithjl 😘🙌


(Left) The most supportive leader one can ever have @purepinay 😘 Thank you again for having us 🤗
(Right) The always active and in-the-moment lady of the group @itsmiessyonpeakd 😚 Your shots are so inspiring charot😅 You are the most in "documentation" Thank you for the photos 🤗

(Left) The ever-happy munyeka (doll) caught on film 😍💕 @cheerupwithjl
(Right) Vegan master chef @asasiklause happily preparing our meals😊😍

Painting time!!! Yayyy!!🎉

Me and @explorewithsasha follow the instructions of our master painterist @cheerupwithjl 😁
Sash, Gerel, JL and I are busy painting the small scary eyes👀👻

(Left) @sassycebuana was busy finalizing the program flow for the upcoming Hivelloween. She's also busy taking videos of the "craft-making"😁😘
(Right) Klause, JL and Gerel on the action, as we planned out the letter cuttings😍🎉 buzzy....busy....




We're happy with the Hivelloween letters. Yay!👻

JL and Gerel are busy finalizing the concept of our DIY Photo Prop😊😁

This is far from the finished photo prop but let's just have this so that you'd be surprised by its final look on the event. See you on the 24th, fellow hiver? ☠️🎃👻 HALLOWEEN IS COMING~! I mean HIVElloween👀

What a joy-filled purposeful weekend I had! How about you? How was your weekend? 😘 I hope you will have a marvellous week ahead! God bless you💛

‘Til the next post, hivers! Remember that you are loved beyond borders and beyond time & space. Okay? Okay. 💛❤️

Ciao for now! 🤗🥰

This original article is written by Jong, the blogger behind writetowander.com. The photos in this post are properly credited for their source. Some photos are from @charisse.craves' camera and the majority of the photos here are from @itsmiessyonpeakd's camera.

Jong CL

Hive-llo, everyone! Welcome to Jong's little buzz-y corner in Hive. Jong believes that every person she meets can teach her a thing or two (or three, or more) about life. She shares her love for life here-- the captivating beauty of life! To be more specific, but not necessarily in this order, she's interested in: wisdom, love, poetry, single life, books, travel, health&fitness, fashion, gratitude, unspoken hurts, heartbreaks and healing. Lastly, she loves Jesus.

Do you like her content? Make sure to upvote, then! Drop some love by leaving a comment-- she really appreciates listening to your thoughts! 💛 Feel free to reblog if her post resonated with you. Kindly follow her to not miss a post! Happy hiving, loves! 💛

write to wander by jong cl.gif


Right now, here I am, with all this life in me, with my heart beating crazily fast and my eyes wide open to unbounded possibilities, and my hands open to the likelihood of constant change, and with acceptance in my soul, whispering every bit of "content" in my cells, to the very core of my being.

Grabe 😍 Every word from this blog is such an art! Belated happy birthday @hannahs.journey! We might not be close to but I wish you a good year to come! And also, congratulations to @ @charisse.craves 💕

Good luck with the upcoming Hivelloween, everyone! Really love this community that we have. I may still be a newbie, but you guys guided me very well! We have our own roles to play and when combined, we make this community efficient and enjoyable! 😍

Thank youuuuu so mucho for the kind words, @sellennee 😊😘
Ayieee thanks for the warm greetings, I'd be sure to tell them both✨

Yaayyy thanks we are excited for the upcoming event, I wish you could join us🤗 Hopefully sa next event you can join na💛 Our community is getting bigger and bigger each day💖

You're very much welcome po! Hoping for that day to come din 🥰


See you soon again @jongcl 😻😻😻😻

Cheers to our very creative dear @cheerupwithjl! Grabi ang talent Maka wow ta always 😻


@jongcl @itsmiessyonpeakd thank you for you both as always super lingaw ang ganapan maski on the spot hahahaha

Trueee very talented atoang munyeka JL @itsmiessyonpeakd 😘
Ahahahahaa very challenging indeed is to be the painterist no @cheerupwithjl 😅

Dili diay KO Apil nag luto SA Manok @jongcl hahahaha. Basin e downvote KO ni @gerel . Nyahhahhaa. 🤣🤣🤣

Taga hugas rakog Plato unya Tig hipos.. hahahhaa 🤣🤣🤣🤣

HAHAHAAA abi jud nako nga ikaw nag luto owemgeee izza iskam charoootttt🤣 Bonus points for the cleaning effort daw😍😘

Jong? How to be you?/ Busyha nmo ui. ahhahah daming ganap!

Ahahahaa grabe ka busy jud ang -Ber months, Klause😅ganap here, ganap there, ganap everywhere😆

Wow, ka busy sa imong weekend, Ning! But very fruitful and looked so fun. On point pa jud ang mga outfit. Kudos to your hardwork for the upcoming Hivelloween! 🥳🥳🙌🙌🙌❤❤

Daghan jud ganap ron te Tala😅 Very productive weekend jud ron ba😘 Ayiee thankyouuuu😊 Thankyouuuu and kitakitsss sa Hivelloween puhon2❤❤❤❤🥳

Hahaah most busy time of the year hahaha

Yes indeed! Samot na sa November and December owemgeeee😅ma busy na ang mga munyekas

Hahaha yes indeed, super busy nata hahaha

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