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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 71: The animal in you

in Weekend Experiences • 3 years ago

Cats are not quite bad animals, and surprisingly because the movie industry in my country has always associated witchcraft with a cat 🤣🤣, many people here are scared of cats, especially at night 🤣. This is a wrong mindset.

I believe every animal is created in a unique way that makes it enticing to some, and others find comfort with another animal.


That is very sad. In olden times, when black cats were associated with witchcraft in Salem and in Europe, they were hanged or burned along with witches, and it is terrible. Superstition is actually horrifying when you consider it. I mean, having a talisman that you believe will bring you luck is one thing, but believing that a person or animal is bad luck just because of an inalterable aspect of who they are is terrifying.

Totally in agreement with you on this . If this wrong impression is not corrected , it will be handed over to coming generation and so forth. I feel sad seeing people shouting Holy ghost fire each time they see animals like Bat, Cat and Vulture, simply because if the superstitious story they have been told