in Weekend Experiences2 months ago

Hello Hive friends, first help me, I was abandoned on an island unknown to humanity. I hope someone misses me and tries to rescue me.

Boy, I've watched so many movies and series with abandoned islands that I would act automatically, first trying to locate a point with drinking water, places where I could find food and finally, trying to set up a shelter close to these 2 areas.

As I know there is danger in places you don't know, i make several traps around the area where I stay. "To make the situation even more interesting, make a giant SOS or HELP on the beach sand, some plane will pass by and decide to save me"


Our host @galenkp was very generous in letting us choose someone to share this forced vacation with.

I know I could choose anyone, but oddly enough, I would choose wife. The wedding vows said, "till death do us part", so I would live up to that. My wife is very efficient, she has lived in the countryside and has many possible skills so that, together, we can guarantee a long survival. Not counting the possibility of children, the famous desert island could transform into a future New York. "I know, I exaggerated a little, but the possibility of the number of people increasing is true"

The possibilities of the place are endless, it would be a new reality and a world to be discovered, at first it would be something wonderful, however, as time passes the situation must become desperate. At this moment, it is necessary to have someone by your side who supports you, understands you and lives the moment with companionship. "And best of all, there will be no one to tell your wife that you brought her into this reality."

This week's weekly challenge is really cool, @galenkp bro, your ideas are amazing!

Images source: Areas I visited that remind us of what could be a bit of an island.


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