in Weekend Experiences2 months ago

Sex education

Before I proceed on the weekend engagement prompt that says at what age should sex education begin for young people. Well I want to start by defining the main topic which is sex education.

Sex education is highly qualified teaching about sex and sexual ability. This is mostly done to young people who just got to the adolescent age and old people who are having sexual issues in their marriage.
For me I think sex education should begin from the age of 16, yes you heard me right, I strongly believe that at this age a child has started seeing changes in there bodies although puberty changes can start at 13 for some person's but I strongly believe that at the age of 16 the mind of the child is open and the child should have clear understanding of what they are been taught, Unlike the younger age they might just take the information wrongly.

Looking at our society today you will see that the negative impact shared is far more than the positive impact which is very bad.Just the other day I came across some young girls play with each other's breast and some were trying to learn how to twerk just because they saw it from some set of street girls playing, what annoyed me most is that this children are not up to the age of 12, just because they are exposed to the sexual life at an early stage they feel it is right for them to do some certain things. Well education could have stopped these things but the truth is most people don't take what they learn in school seriously, because they believe it's just what the system wants to use in preventing them from exploring.

Why I said sex education should be taught to children from the age of 16 is because at this point/age they have started witnessing the changes in their body and it will be much easier to guide them that way so I believe.
Sex education has a positive impact in our life's but if taught wrongly or to the wrong set of people trust me it will do more harm than good and that is why I prefer it to be taught to those who are capable of understanding and processing the information they have learnt.

Thank you for stopping by, do well to drop your thoughts in the comments section..


Sex education is very important indeed!

Thank you

Sex education all the way

You're right, sex education is crucial, but it's equally important to consider the age and maturity level of the individuals being taught.

Thank you for agreeing and stopping by

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