My experiences in a Mechanic today

So this weekend I was so hungry and couldn't get to cook at home so I decided to eat out and then I remembered they is a near by restaurant close to my house so I went to a local restaurant close to mechanics Workshop and right There I met them advising a new and young applicant who had come with his mum to carryout their traditions and to learn how to work on cars."

"After torrents of advises from leaders of different departments in the mechanic garage, they asked if there's anyone including customers and those close by who have something to tell the applicant. I immediately rose my hands up and did the needful by speaking on the need to shun street cultism and its negative vices as well as develop the spirit of perseverance in order to succeed."

"Shortly after it, they all agreed that it was time to perform their traditional rites which borders on integrity. That got me surprised and immediately struck me to reaffirm what I have come to agree that even before the advent of the new world, every society, organizations have their organized systems known to it on how things are done."

"Gradually, tools: bars, hammers, spanners, screwdrivers, etc were thrown on the floor and each an everyone of them brought out different denomination of the Naira notes and all were placed alongside the drinks brought by the applicant. The most senior person amongst them called out the applicant and asked him to chose from amongst the items the reason for his coming. To the admiration of all and sundry, he picked the spanner."

"Further enquiry revealed that though the money is tempting and the whole essence of learning a skill is to use it to make money. However, he wouldn't have been taken if he had gone for the money first!"

"He was prayed for by the last apprentice who used a bottle of coke to wash his head - it's symbolic and it means washing away every negative vices and reason why he shouldn't master the trade."

"Thereafter, the process culminated with the drinks opened and shared amongst those present."