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RE: The positive influence which saved the life

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Sorry found this @dreemport,

I came also in almost same situation,

my parents dislike my current wife as she is really young and so am I.

Truth be told we wouldn't have a good chance surviving by ourselves but, we both chose each other... I got kick out of my family, she got disowned for marrying an outsider.

Life was really hard, times I felt really pathetic... not enough food, medicines, and there is no support coming but we never regretted our choice. I work so hard I forgot I am working already 🤣 but eventually we built our own house, had two kids giving them things we are ourselves never had.

we eventually had names for ourselves and became a respected part of a community... the only thing bad about this story is it took me more than a decade to forgive my family (like I am now the one disowning them).

sorry for making it long, your story just touch a part of my life.

Quoting from memory:
"Sorry for writing you a long letter, I didn't have time to write a short one" Mark Twain
Source @newbies-guide ( somewhere there )...


Sorry to hear about the trauma you tolerated,
Sometimes it's good to go opposite the waves 😁 and you proved it very well.
It's hard to forgive such people for whom you have sacrificed everything but they want more sacrifices 😂
Good to see you here.