in Weekend Experiences4 months ago (edited)

My username kilvnrex was misspelled by my on-border, I wish I could change it, but I don't think it's possible. When my on-border asked for my username, I sent her klvnrex, but I guess she misspelled it and added an “I” in the process. Because of that mistake I've had to flow with that username to date. The nickname “KLVNREX” started out as a number before I had the inspiration to change it into something I can use for life. Being a football fan, I played football a little while in secondary school, and then I was nicknamed “KELVIN 11” Because I could play the number 11 position very well. I could also play the number 2 position, but the Kelvin and 11 pronounced simultaneously made perfect sense.


Kelvin 11 wasn't too popular though because I was often too serious to be playing around. Taking on responsibilities had always been my thing, thus there was usually little room to play. But when it began to stick, I started playing central forward which happened to be the number 9 position. I didn't play the central forward position as well as I did as an attacking forward, I was better at playing with another attacker, than playing as a lone attacker. But then again I felt that Kelvin 9 sounded sweeter to pronounce than the rhyme of Kelvin 11.


That was how I adopted the nickname Kelvin 9, but when a new Kelvin came to my class, and was good at playing the attacking midfield position of number 7, he was given the nickname Kelvin 7, while I was Kelvin 9. I didn't like that I had someone sharing my name with me because then I didn't meet much people bearing the name Kelvin, so I changed from Kelvin to Klvn which is pronounced clivin, and that was how I adopted the nickname KLVN9 has in CLIVIN-NINE.

Later on, I left secondary school and stopped playing football, so I decided to change my name from a number to a king (rex). But then I still love the number 9 and use it significantly in most of my passwords. The number 9 gives be a sense of importance as it does a Central forward in football. I always feel the need of having a team behind me, and whenever I have one I love being at the focal point of affairs like the central forward in a football team. I love being the one delivering and making my team stand out as relevant. I feel a central forward is only as important as his team, if there are no people around to feed the striker, then there's no goal.


The number 11 position comes in for me as a second best, because it reminds me of the need for teamwork. A number 9 might face obstacles with strong defenders, but with a number 11 by his side and other attacking midfielders, both have a better chance of overcoming strong defenses. I fancy the number 7 post also, but then number 9 still stands out for me, as number 11 comes second.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Now that I know that your passwords have number 9,just change them before I do my magic😂

😂😂😂. Happy guessing

Hehe, Mr footballer happy weekend. The Kelvin 11 name seems nice same as Kelvin 9.

Maybe soon you will play In nation's cup

😂😂😂. My playing time is over

It's a bummer that nutbag measured up your name, some people just don't take any care or pride in their work I guess.

Speak about taking pride in your work... Sometimes I don't like to. And yeah it's quite unfortunate

You don't like taking pride in your work?

Recently yeah, but it's because I feel I should be doing something differently...

I only take pride in what I consider near perfection

I find this quite sad.

You seem to be a football lover, which is something I have never had interest in. Reading through your post and seeing the way you use football terminologies creeps me out 😂. The truth is whenever I come across your username on hive, I never try to put myself in a position where I will have to pronounce it 😂, it is so strange how such a short name could have 3 syllables.

Pop in from #dreemport

😂😂😂. Yes I'm a football lover, although not a die hard fan. But either way I guess you now know how to pronounce my username lol