Option Three for Me G-Dog..!

A Nightmare Dream Post...

I was laying in bed chatting with @pooky-jax last night when I said something so funny she laughed her damn head right off...


OK, seriously, all the... Hot Dogging and joking aside with...

Well OK, Maybe just one more?


Now on to the nightmare as I only have around 150 words now until...

"This post will self destruct in 4... 3... 2... Hundred word limit.!!

A limit set by our #weekend-engagement creator and Evil Overlord Muppet Drummer..? WTF.??


125 words now until...



I have a couple different re-occurring nightmares. Night terrors. The kind of bad dream where you feel like your awake, but you cannot move, cannot speak, it is like your paralyzed and frozen with fear...

Well this one dream I have not had for many years up until a few weeks ago. It is a drowning type of a dream. Mixed with the fear of opening my eyes underwater.

So I stick my head down in the water to see what is down there right? And I open my eyes and see a set of glowing eyes and sharp teeth staring back at me. I am holding my breath, but can not pull myself back up

But this time I...

Ahh Shit, that was 200 words.!!


I posted that over on the #weekend-engagement. A weekly gathering where some great people take part in some really great conversations and...


I look forward all week to joining in on this "Tom Foolery."

No Disrespect meant to @bigtom13 !!

So Our WE. Team Leader G-Dog left this comment on my 200 word, unfinished nightmare story.

@galenkp wrote..:

"Great comment and whilst I was engrossed in the story I'm glad you observed the 200 word limit." ✅

@krazzytrukker 's Reply..:

Maybe I can tap out a #weekend-engagement post about it. It has a really cool ending. A night terror that took me 55 years to...

Uh oh, 50 word limit reached. Lmao

You see we have a great time over at Galen's Weekly Virtual Campfire Gathering

We share laughter, and also some life changing stories from our past. We post photos and deep dark secrets. We tell lies. We tell the truth about those lies. And maybe even learn a little about ourselves as well as some others.

And as Soon as Galen extends that 200 word limit I can finally finish this really cool Nightmare/Night Terror story..?

Spoiler Alert..!

I now sleep with confidence knowing that the next Nightmare/Night Terror will be...



To Be Continued...

Sammi Jo says..:

Ahhh, never mind, She has ADD too...

Fire Hydrant Dog Kitty (4).jpg


Everything this guy right here's ever recorded right here, right there and wherever I haven't been right yet was based on actual events at best. Boo!!

Buncha Diks...

I wonder if anyone ever has the guts to say that to their faces..?

Weird how we choose our names.

Krazzy isn't it...

Not my style, but when in the mood, I do listen to country, hip hop, rap, and even THIS

If You Tell ANYONE about the...



Laugh Out Loud. I've never seen that video before and I'll never look at a carniv-v val val val the same again.

Tell'er I said it's about time!!

I have no friken idea what your talking about..?

But then again I am kinda slow sometimes...


So I just went over and Showed @pooky-jax this post. And she said it was cuz she followed you today.
Like I said before... "The little things."

I believe that cynical people like us that notice the details, the background noise, are the best detectives. We should go do cold case atudies and solve some gruesome unsolved murder sprees...


See her Larry Vitton purse though I mean c'mon?!


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hahahahahahahaha these are the posts I love :)

this was just fun - and crazy - and made me want MORE. hahahahaha

but I can't because I just found out that I have the rarest form of...

oh 3 line limit. damn. next time!

Thaaaaaz Riiiight...

These limits and rules are made for breakin' !!!
