in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

6VvuHGsoU2QC6deq48A6iDhUtxbHe8KjUifJ4gpkrDZp7umK2475A3GDgb3BKdFmri6JndbfiXjMT8DRmgmTNJ7u3M2Hxb9cjF7TSWTPdAUHuVCnnBsyZQaAEq5P4a.jpeg image by @tripode

This is my first time entering the contest, and I am so gingered up for this. I hope you enjoy reading this. Have fun, show so love and of course drop a comment.

Esta es la primera vez que participo en el concurso y estoy muy emocionado por esto. Espero que disfrutes leyendo esto. Diviértete, muestra mucho amor y por supuesto deja un comentario.

According to @tripode, The quote for this week is "We may not reach our destination if we stop to throw stones at every dog that barks at us."

Según @tripode, la cita de esta semana es "Es posible que no lleguemos a nuestro destino si nos detenemos a arrojar piedras a cada perro que nos ladra".

In life, time is one scarce resource that can't be ever recovered once wasted. The prioritization of one time in life will make or mar one's destiny. As valuable as time is, some still choose to waste it. The fact remains that each time spent can't be recovered and it has gone for life.

En la vida, el tiempo es un recurso escaso que no se puede recuperar una vez que se desperdicia. La priorización de un momento en la vida marcará o estropeará el destino de uno. Tan valioso como es el tiempo, algunos todavía optan por desperdiciarlo. El hecho es que cada tiempo gastado no se puede recuperar y se ha ido de por vida.

That's one reason it's important to do things you have always wanted to do. Regardless of whatever you have in mind to accomplish, start now and avoid distractions.

Esa es una de las razones por las que es importante hacer las cosas que siempre ha querido hacer. Independientemente de lo que tenga en mente para lograr, comience ahora y evite distracciones.

In a world that we are in, it's very easy to be distracted. Social media has been one contributing factor to such distraction. Althôugh it's has been a revelation also but in life, good things have their negative sides too.

En un mundo en el que estamos, es muy fácil distraerse. Las redes sociales han sido un factor que contribuyó a tal distracción. Aunque también ha sido una revelación, pero en la vida, las cosas buenas también tienen sus lados negativos.

In the world we live today, Social media is one easy tool to share hate. The hate could make one derail or abandon his or her purpose. You would be surprised at how many dreams and aspirations have been halted due to social media backlash.

En el mundo en el que vivimos hoy, las redes sociales son una herramienta fácil para compartir el odio. El odio puede hacer descarrilar o abandonar su propósito. Te sorprendería saber cuántos sueños y aspiraciones se han detenido debido a la reacción de las redes sociales.

That's why it's good to pay attention to oneself and less time on some people's opinions. Not everyone's opinion matters in life because some will never see the good in whatever you do. Some people are just waiting for you to fail, so they could laugh out loud.

Por eso es bueno prestar atención a uno mismo y menos tiempo a las opiniones de algunas personas. La opinión de todos no importa en la vida porque algunos nunca verán lo bueno en todo lo que hagas. Algunas personas solo están esperando que falles, para reírse a carcajadas.

So has a leader or someone with dreams, only pay attention to the opinion that will help guild your step towards achieving your goals. Some people might disagree with the steps you intend to take but it doesn't mean that they don't mean you well. When you are been constructively criticized, maximum attention should be paid to it. The reason for this is because this criticism is what makes you see how you see clearly what you could improve.

Así lo tiene un líder o alguien con sueños, solo preste atención a la opinión que le ayudará a guiar su paso hacia el logro de sus metas. Algunas personas pueden no estar de acuerdo con los pasos que pretendes seguir, pero eso no significa que no tengan buenas intenciones. Cuando te critican constructivamente, debes prestarle la máxima atención. La razón de esto es porque esta crítica es la que te hace ver cómo ves claramente lo que podrías mejorar.

In life, you might be the one with the goals and dreams but you still need people to actualize them. People who stand by you are your priority as not everyone could see what you see. These people around you will constantly remind you of your goals and the zeal to achieve them won't dry up.

En la vida, es posible que usted sea el que tenga las metas y los sueños, pero aún necesita personas para realizarlos. Las personas que te apoyan son tu prioridad, ya que no todos pueden ver lo que tú ves. Estas personas a tu alrededor te recordarán constantemente tus metas y el celo por lograrlas no se agotará.

So in summary, in order to reach your destination and achieve your dreams;

  • clearly have a defined goal
  • not all opinions matters
  • social media hates should be paid attention to
  • constructive criticism should be welcome
  • surround Yourself with people who shares same goal as you

Entonces, en resumen, para llegar a su destino y lograr sus sueños;

  • tener claramente un objetivo definido
  • no todas las opiniones importan
  • Se debe prestar atención a los odios de las redes sociales
  • la crítica constructiva debe ser bienvenida
  • Rodéate de personas que comparten el mismo objetivo que tú.

I believe that all you said are very important points and I can fully attest to it because we all need to be focused and also be mindful of the words we take into our heart in this journey towards success

We shouldn't allow toxic people to demoralize us

Glad you could see from my point of view

Please keep content you post in this community related to the community. This content would have been more suited to the Self Improvement Community. You can see the *Engage the weekend Community rules here to the right side of the page.

Okay.. I will check that out. I thought the community accepts all kind of posts. I know better now

Anyway, as long as it focusses on some weekend-rerated thing. Check out the Self Improvement community, I post in there a bit myself actually.

A lot of community I must say. Thank you for the heads up. I appreciate

Helloooo! We received your publication!

Remember to complete the following steps for your publication to be valid, if you already did it, perfect!:

  1. Use the tag #energyrefill and #thoughtfuldailypost.
  2. Share the link in the comments of the original post:
  3. Upvote to the original post 100%.
  4. Share the link on the SMILE Discord: (On the #energyrefill-posts channel).

What I'm about to say is optional, but remember that to meet more people and spread more good energy, you can go through the other posts in the contest by checking the #energyrefill tag and leaving nice comments (we have prizes for the most committed)

Happy New Year and have a beautiful week!!


Feliz y bendecida noches @lebey1, felicitaciones por tu participación, tiene razón con respecto a que el tiempo es valioso y debemos valorarlo, en la vida es importante definir nuestros objetivos y tener la fuerza de voluntad para alcanzar lo anhelado, la determinación es una pieza importante para lograr el triunfo, Aprovecho la ocasión para invitarte con todo respeto a leer mi participación aquí te dejo el enlace: PARTICIPACION. Bendiciones.

gracias por sus amables palabras. Me alegro de que leas mi publicación. también leeré tu publicación.

Yo también te he seguido. tbanks por estar aquí

You´re right, social medias have A LOT of hate involve, we need to look for a way to not get too involve with it.

Glad you at the end give a summary listed, so people can remember the most important parts of the post. You did a great job!

We have to choose our battles, because not everyone who wants to look for conflict or controversy should have to do so. Because in the end people are always going to have to comment. And we are the ones who decide whether to listen to them or not

*I really liked your post today we need a lot of this positive energy in Hive and in the world. Have a beautiful week and I send you a hug from the Dominican Republic!


Glad you read my post. It's nice to have people seeing from your angle too