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RE: A Chill Weekend in Brazil...[WE:117]

Wonderful to travel as a family and to a place like this, phenomenal.

It is my dream to go someday.

I have not been on a cable car, when I went to Merida in 2007 it was damaged and we were left with the desire.

Of all I loved the photos with the sculptures of material extracted from the mountain, I love those purple checkered stones.

Thanks for sharing your experience @bertrayo, I can imagine your joy remembering it.

Oh and I have also missed an infinite number of photos. With which I could participate in this dynamic.


It was a great experience. We did lots of things. I wished I had the photos of the tour in Rio since we made it to several important sites and landmarks. But alas, I could find them.

I'm glad you like the post.

And well, o haven't been to Merida again. The last time o was there it was 2005 or 2006. Can't place the exact number. But I remember being able of going on the cable car and going sick because of the heights.