Visiting the Sound Cars with the family🚙🚛🚗

Hello my friends a pleasure to greet you, hoping that everyone is well, this time I share with you a visit this weekend, specifically on Saturday, to a craft walk near my house, where in the evenings there are several fast food places where you can taste the best hamburgers and hot dogs in the area. This weekend they planned a Sound Cars. First time I attend something like this, actually in my teenage years I never heard about it, because my two teenage sons, spent the whole week talking about this event, with my ignorance I asked what it was and they explained to me, that they are a group of people who are passionate about cars, but also invest a sum of money, putting some sounds that practically burst your eardrums, hahahaha. So I decided to go with my family to observe the cars.


When the first cars began to arrive it was still daylight at about 5:00 pm, there were old cars very well cared for in terms of tires, paint and upholstery, but there were also some more recent ones like Corsa and Ford Fiesta, which were really super nice. When the night arrives the show begins, because the lights and the thunderous sounds of their music created a super good atmosphere, where there were children, young people and adults enjoying themselves. In addition to the lights, there were competitions of engine sounds, where fire came out of the exhaust pipes, something that scared me a little because the sounds were a kind of explosion. But the people were fascinated and very happy. It was a full house, a complete success.





The old cars caught my attention because they were very well maintained, they were cars from the 70's and 80's, which are very striking, especially for my children who like them. The range of newer cars had one that I particularly loved, a super beautiful white fiesta which I fell in love with 😍, it had a spectacular sound and many LED lights.




Something particular was that each car had a name as if it were a mascot, this specific one is called Toxic which sponsors a sangria type drink, where they raffled many of these products.

Also arrived later some beautiful trucks, with lots of lights and sound, which were the center of attention, as they arrived honking the horn for people to make way. To liven up the night, a truck arrived and turned into a stage where there was entertainment, dances and contests.


The moment was opportune to take pictures with the vehicles in the background, where my nephew did not hesitate to pose, also there was no age distinction, even my mom and my aunt, they called their attention to the spectacle. One of my sons and my husband were present in the photos and the oldest was with a group of friends and we did not take pictures. The important thing is that we all enjoyed the show and had a great time.


Well friends, this is the end of my post of my experience this weekend, where I shared with family and friends. All photos are my own edited in InShot.

See you next time!

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What great pictures you have of this event, those cars look spectacular.

Glad the whole family was able to enjoy this Saturday night. You can tell there were a lot of people.


Yes, my friend, the truth is that there were a lot of people. Thank you for your comment

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Your weekend was great, the best thing is that you lived a new experience in the company of your family.

I have never been to these car shows and exhibitions, I would really like to attend one.

@lina1976 🥰🤗