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RE: [WE102] Opening the bedside draw - The unedited EXPOSE!

Morning Andrastia - Yea, when I tried to close the book, a little part of me died inside too. The book wasn't happy, and I'm looking at it sitting under another book now, kind of groaning with a wavy cover. Will call that an oops - had completely forgot it was in the drawer, and it had probably lived in the darkness there for far longer than it should have.

Ok, perhaps I'll keep the dust. I certainly didn't bother making an effort to get rid of it since noticing it, so it can stay! Usually with the plants, when I notice they're dusty (and about to die from lack of water) I throw them in the shower. Two birds, one stone.

Have a good one. Tim


Hi Tim

I'm glad to read that the book is mending. It may just take a while. We've all done it don't worry, one of those things.

Lol that's actually a great idea, I didn't think of doing that before but I will definitely make use of the shower for reviving dusty plants in the future! I only have three indoor plants currently and I'm managing to keep them alive so far.

Hope you've had a great Sunday