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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 45: Only three items [answer and win hive]

Now that it came to this...

  • my digital photo camera, loaded of course;
  • a solar battery charger because of the above;
  • a large backpack with a belt.

I certainly plan on surviving this crap and living to tell the tale. Visuals of the exciting adventures ahead would be great to have and use when civilization happens again. That would explain the first two.

A backpack would be useful for all the goodies I find and I feel like not leaving behind. Because you can find everything else out there. You just have to look for it and/or improvise. For instance, a stick well broken shall have to do for my first hunting/defense gear.


how are you dear friend @manoldonchev good afternoon
I agree with you, I would also take those items, the camera and a solar charger can never be missing in this type of adventure, maybe I will change the backpack for a good knife, I take the opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend

Well, of course, I plan on obtaining a good knife along the way. The remnants of the Old World are still out there do be looted.

you are very right @manoldonchev, there are many elements in which one can improvise to act as a knife. well thought
have a beautiful afternoon

Well thought out as I have come to expect from you. It's very difficult to plan for every scenario and consideration of many different aspects needs to come into play. When most go wrong is weight...Having heavy loadout is more of a liability mostly, but that depends on the situation and mode of transport, terrain and timeframe.

Nice answer.


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Visual story teller packed to get lost in the hills, would have delightful adventures for future generation to decipher later @manoldonchev

Good choices here! Documenting the entire thing with some fantastic photos would be one hell of a memory bank for the future generations! Keeping that charges and with some high capacity memory cards is going to be important.

Hopefully the backpack has at least a knife in it, finding the other stuff is definitely possible but a knife will go a long way!