Week 203: What do you give more priority to?


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Hello friends! Happy weekend to everyone, I hope everyone is doing great, today I honestly feel a bit sad and down, skipping my nice birthday, I feel like this week was a bit of a downturn, but hey, let's hope it's just one day. Without further ado, I chose the following topic because for me it can be summed up in a short and simple sentence, if it doesn't add to your value, it shouldn't subtract from it either.

Topic: Do you prioritize your relationships or your career more?


For me, my professional life has always been a very great base for me, since I have always been 100% focused on what I want for my life, that's why I know who to have by my side, someone who has the same level of love what you do like me, because you have to know how to have a good balance in life, one is the only one responsible for what adds or what takes away in life, that is why it is essential to always have clear goals and, above all, good communication in couple.

Do my boyfriend and I support each other in our goals at all times? We both graduated in the same year, he as an international chef and I from architecture, from the moment we met, we became very supportive, we helped each other a lot and that's what it's about.


We must know how to choose who we want in our lives, who helps us grow and who only seeks their own well-being. My boyfriend was essential for the last year of university because I felt overwhelmed more than once and now in my work life too, because it is my safe zone where I can take refuge and vent from everyone, in the same way I do the same with him. Because it is not easy, taking the step from being a student to working is a radical change that you must know how to face and nothing is more beautiful than having support.


You shouldn't prioritize anything with the right person, because everything will simply have its proper place ✨

