My three favorite smells?... My answer to the Weekend-Engagement WEEK 203

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In our daily lives we are surrounded by different smells, whether pleasant or not, many of which we associate directly with things we already know. These smells can bring back memories, change our mood and even influence our perceptions.
And as I say, not all smells are pleasant, like the smell of socks when you get home after a long day at work or the smell of public toilets. But there are smells that really are, not only pleasant to perceive, but also bring back good memories, brighten our day or make us feel that a place is cozy. So where I'm going with this is to answer the question: What are three of your favorite smells?

I would say my favorite smells are many, but the top three would be:

The smell of coffee☕🟤

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my mother and I at the coffee fairs held in Barquisimeto.

I think it is something common that we like the smell of coffee, but how not if most adults do not start their day until they have a cup of coffee in the morning.
Personally I love this smell because immediately I smell it in the house I know that my mother is already up, that she is making her coffee to start a new day. Also because I associate it with its flavor, which, although sometimes I don't feel like it, is quite pleasant to the palate. It also reminds me of my grandmother who I hardly visit anymore, but who always has a small cup of coffee to offer to her guests.

The smell of bread🍞🥖

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I have no more pictures of breads in my gallery

Most of the smells I like are of food because I feel that one of the greatest pleasures in life is eating, but the one that stands out the most is the distinctive aroma of freshly baked bread. I love to walk past a bakery because I know that this smell will almost always be there.
I love this aroma because I associate it with its flavors in both its salty and sweet presentation (each one has a different touch of smell), because it takes me back to the moments I lived during the time I was in college since it was the best improvised lunch for my friends and me. I also love to associate it when my mom, very occasionally, bakes unleavened bread in the house.

The smell of a special person 👫🏻❤️

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my brothers and I

I feel that everyone has a signature smell, whether it's the cosmetics they use, the smells of their environment that permeate their skin and clothes, the things they consume, or just their sweat.
I love, for example, to hug my brother because he has a smell that characterizes him, that when I hug him I perceive as unique even though other people may use the same shampoo or the same perfume. My mother's smell is also different, as well as my grandparents', my partner's and some of my friends'. And beyond liking the smell, I like the feeling I get when I am next to those people and I can hug them.


Imagine in the morning, the smell of delicious and fresh bread from the oven 😊 also the loved ones besides us

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I was down one day and perceived a familiar smell like my brother's and that lit up my mood