This weekend I would like to go on an excursion// Weekend engagement- week 175

It is a pleasure to greet you again and share with you once more. This time, in the weekend challenge, I will answer the following question:

If you could do anything this weekend, what would you do and why?


If I could do anything I wanted, without any impediments, I would go for a walk in nature, appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and disconnect from city life for a while. Specifically, I would love to go back and take the trip to "La Olla" well, which I did a couple of months ago with my friends, on this or any other weekend. I love being able to walk and be surrounded by trees, plants, mud, small streams, wildlife, and many other things that can only be seen by immersing oneself in nature. I enjoy even more doing this accompanied by a couple of trusted friends, to share and have a good time, as well as create new anecdotes together.

" I would go for a walk in nature"

Since I made the approximately 3-hour round-trip excursion to this natural well, I have wanted to do it again, despite it being a bit tiring. I would love to immerse myself in that icy water again, jump off a huge rock, see spiders of all sizes, use tree roots as stairs, accidentally step into a muddy hole, observe mountains and trails free from human population in the distance. I would love to relive all those moments I had on my first trip to "La Olla".

"I would love to relive all those moments I had on my first trip to "La Olla". "

Although I would also be very happy to go on another excursion this weekend to explore new places and create even more new experiences. I have heard a couple of times about the "El Altar" or "La Cascada del Vino" waterfalls located here in the state of Lara, places that I would definitely love to visit soon.

"I enjoy even more doing this accompanied by a couple of trusted friends"

The reasons why I want to be in nature is because it offers a break from the usual routine of being in direct contact with a natural environment. Additionally, it brings mental peace (at least for me) and helps me think more deeply and release burdens that I carry with me day to day. It is also excellent exercise to stay fit or simply to overcome sedentary habits. Without a doubt, it's something I enjoy a lot and that makes me feel good.

"helps me think more deeply and release burdens that I carry with me day to day "


Looks like you all had fun in that selfie your friend took. Is that railroad track abandoned, I see you meditating no fear a train will come by O.O. Anyways I think this is one of many great ways to enjoy the weekend!