2 Days in Sabang City

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)


Sea ​​view from hotel

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Hi guys. Traveling with friends is fun, especially when you are off work. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you all the time we traveled to Sabang City. Previously, I would like to review a little about the city of Sabang, Sabang City is one of the cities in Aceh Province, previously Sabang was an area known as a free port or free economic area. Many foreign traders come here. As well as import-export transactions which were very well known in the past.


Mata Ie Resort


Sea ​​view from hotel

Sabang City is Kilometer 0 of Indonesia, the sea is very beautiful, many tourists come here and the people are very friendly. The area of the city of Sabang is 152 km². A suitable place for traveling with family, here the famous places are Iboih beach, Mata Ie Resort, Sumur Tiga Beach, Anoi Itam Beach, Aneuk Laot Lake, Pria Laot Waterfall, Sarang Cave, Indonesia Kilometer 0 Monument and others.


Boarding Ship


In the ship

When I was in the city of Sabang I did not have time to visit these beautiful places because of the rain and our time was not long, only 2 days, namely on Saturdays and Sundays because on Monday we had to return to our area to work. I highly recommend this city for you to visit, its beautiful sea and delicious culinary and the very famous Aceh coffee.


Sabang City Map


Sea ​​view from hotel


Pantai Kasih Cafe


Pantai Kasih Cafe


Sabang-Marauke Monument

Don't hesitate to come here, friends, because the city of Sabang is one of the tourist destinations in our country. Apart from Bali, the city of Sabang is also very famous. The cost of transportation from Jakarta to Aceh is only 2,500,000 IDR and the cost of a ship to Sabang is 30,000 IDR.

Loction : https://what3words.com/tangkal.membakar.istiadat, Anoi Itam, Mata Ie Resort, Sabang City, Aceh-Indonesia



Pleasant trip and It looks like I have to take a few weeks off to enjoy the holidays this season.

Yeah. Great solution. You have to take time off and travel with your family. Thanks for stopping by.

That hayeu sang aduen, lon meu ploh thon tinggal di Aceh tpi goh tom troh u sabang 😂

Haha. Nyan payah tajak sigoe bg lutfi. InsyaAllah akan lepah kenan rakan.

Ka lheh rencana, man di tinggal le kapal wkwk. Padahal ka dalam pelabuhan. Semoga ukeu na kesempatan jak u Sabang hehe

Aamiin. Harus jak nyan rakan 😂😂

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