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RE: Life with Chronic Illness

Your writing left me speechless. It's amazing what you went through, but you are an admirable person.....

Not just anyone would have taken the attitude you did, nor would they have had the patience and commitment to themselves.

In spite of everything you had to go through, I'm glad you are still here, and you have generated such a positive and pleasant attitude in such difficult times.

I hope you continue to maintain that positivity and move forward as you have been doing.

Have a beautiful and blessed day, I send you greetings and many hugs! 🙏🏻❤🙌🏻


Sorry that I took so long to respond to your wonderful comment! I really appreciate the encouragement and consideration here 💚

Although I fail sometimes, I try my best to stay positive... Cause having bad health and a bad attitude is just double trouble. 😵 hehe

I hope you are having a wonderful week, big hugs your way as well! 🤗