
Uhmm I actually wouldn't call it "playing". I was learning to when I was in school. It was always a dream to be able to play well and I was a dedicated student. Unfortunately when I changed schools, my new teacher wasn't a very nice man and if you made a mistake he would either scream at you or he would wrack you on the knuckles which was just dumb. That was the end of my piano playing 😭

There are some piano pieces that when I listen to them, they just have me in rapture, that's why I really enjoyed yours. Gave me goosebumps. Food for the soul.

Teachers play a huge role in every student's musical journey... inspiration and all the knowledge depend on them.
Many times happen that students just quit because the teacher was not adequate. I am sorry you experienced this.

But, you to know, it is never late to start again :)) 🎶