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RE: A well-rounded weekend

Are you allowed in your country to camp wherever you want? If yes, lucky you. I was very surprised when I learned that in Spain we could not camp where we want to. There are some camp places where you can camp, but first you have to ask for the permission 🤷 It was strange to me. A camp fire is strictly prohibited, but I understand that, as here the vegetation is mostly dry, so to prevent from forest fires.
My week until now goes very well, I mean perfectly fine 😇 Thanks


Well, it's not anywhere we like, but it's a vast country and 95% of the population live on only 5% of the land so there's a whole lot of nothing out there to camp on. There's rules and regulations though and you'd not want to get caught on a farmers land, they tend to shoot first and ask questions later. Lol.

We have fire-ban months where fires are strictly forbidden, and mostly one must carry in the wood to burn rather than collect it, but that's more a National Park thing. IN the outback it can be collected generally.

There are loads of free-camp areas all over the place, even an app to find them with ratings and all. Generally it's a common sense thing though, do the right thing and there'll be no problems.

So just avoid farmers land 🤪
Thanks for your explication, see you in one-two days in the weekend-engagedement topic 🙈

Pretty much, except when you have permission. I know loads of farmers and have access to places most won't get. It's a happy scenario as I get to camp in places other people are not! 😉