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RE: Two!

Hi there @okayozdemiroglu

The same happens to me, with your musical instrument. I have never played a baglama, but it sounds very interesting! And I would say that you also agree that hands and ears are essential in making music, in baglama too :))

Thanks for stopping by 🎶


As you definitely mentioned, hands and ears are one of our most important organs when playing an instrument. But the most important of all is to feel the music. If we can feel the beauty of the music heard by our ears and come alive in our minds and add a piece of ourselves to it, we can give life to it with our fingers. If we can feel the music while doing this, we will do the right thing, and it gives us great pleasure to watch and listen to our own reflections.😊

This is an excellent explanation how this whole process of playing an instrument goes! 🙌🎶