Weekend Engagement Week 205: MY FAVORITE ALONE TIME ACTIVITY

I couldn't just get hold of myself... My body was doing me hurry hurry to write... Seeing all these topics last night made me had a blissful morning today.... On a normal, I am tired and exhausted but, I told myself... I have to write on one of this topic this morning...

Trust me, this is going to make me have a fun fulfilled day. I have missed this place sooooo much ❤️... I don't even know what happened, but I stopped writing here but that didn't mean I forgot the good memories I had here while reading about other people weekend.
@galenkp is still doing great work here by unleashing beautiful topic.. thank you..

Today, of all the topic, I will go straight to the very one I love so much, though all concerns me, but I will write on one which is. What is your most favoured way to find pleasure when you're alone and why?

The first thing that I find pleasure in when I am alone is watching movies


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I don't joke when it comes to movies... Normally, I am someone that loves staying alone inside.. infact I don't even have time to exchange pleasantries with my neighbors, them knowing my name is seriously by chance...

When I am alone, I will just lock my doors and windows, turn on my MP3.. look for snacks and drinks that will last... And then go to my movie box, I don't lack were to get movies and I don't even want people to be around before I can watch movies...
I discovered an app called movie box and since then.... There is nothing anyone will tell me..

Someone may ask, what type of movie do you watch? My dear I watch all the movies but there are some that I love so much, in the likes of American movies, telenovela, high school romantic movies, but most especially horror movies

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I don't joke with horror movies OOO, I download them on a steady all this things can never give me a boring day when I am alone....
I so much enjoy the fact that I am always alone doing the things I love most... I love movies oOoOO, it's either movies or nothing.

With movies and food by my side, I can stay inside alone for 1 week and I will not be bored, that is already a big pleasure that I am having oOoO because I have one important activity that I can do and any other thing comes behind..... With movies my most favoured way to find pleasure has been achieved.

Thank you for taking out time to read. Have a lovely and fun weekend
@mmenyene cares ❣️

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You are really fond of watching movies. How brave you are to watch horror movies alone, which can last even for a week. Well, it's just a movie, and our mind is the one thinking of scary things. Thanks for sharing some of them. I'll find time to watch some of these horror movies.

😁🤣😅😂 I enjoy the scary parts were I will scream and rush under my duvet... It's really fun

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