Weekend experience with my colleagues from Guarenasflow



What's up community how are you? I hope very well, how have you enjoyed your weekend and those wonderful experiences that we have and enjoy sharing in this community, for this story I will tell you how proactive the weekend was.




Together with my community of @guarenasflow we were doing an audiovisual projection in an area of the capital Caracas was on the sides of capitol to be specific, the projection is about a modern Caracas.




At first it was very strange to work outdoors where every moment we were the center of attraction for the cameras, professional lights and a team with supercharged energies.



For this visual exhibition, I would support in the technical part of lighting, while we were planning what we wanted to achieve and preparing the work implements, so I took advantage of the moment and took my respective photographs in order to have our record of work or project done in community and organization.



Living experience like this pleases me a lot, because I can always adopt new knowledge and satisfied with a more achieved goal, I take this moment to thank the community @guarenasflow for the opportunity.
With nothing more to add I say goodbye, Blessings ✌🏻



hive  (13).gif

Proofreader: SpellBoy
Translator: DeepL
The pictures in this post were taken with my 📲 Tecno Spark 10pro mobile device.




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Que buen trabajo realizaste junto al equipo Audiovisual de Guarenas flow, te merece un voto Guarenero.

Hablale Gaurenero.png

Buen grandioso día... Oye comunidad @guarenasflow me gustó ese "Hablale guarenero" 😅

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Curated by Blessed-girl


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Thanks for healing ♥️