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RE: Connected

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago

Good selection is the turquoise stone and that... tree? to graph your post, for all that they both mean.

Becca, these separations do you a lot of good. Believe it. These are moments in which each one has the opportunity to do their things, and missing the loved one is very good. When you meet both, again, you have a lot to tell each other, more desire, and recognize each other as independent and with their own life.

A hug, enjoy everything you can and more!


Hello Nani,

I selected this image for a reason, something close to my heart; it seemed appropriate.

They say separation makes the heart grow fonder, and I think that's true, although my fondness for that boy is pretty high anyway. He'll be back soon and until then I'll make do with the thought of him; it's a good thought.

I hope you're going ok.

Becca 🌷

It is said that the turquoise stone

protects from negative energies, stimulates confidence, communication and self-confidence.

On the other hand, the tree of life

symbolizes the union between the human being and the natural environment. In order to grow and evolve, it is necessary that there is harmony between people and nature. Another more spiritual meaning is the connection between heaven and earth, between the divine and the human.

It's a lovely color, however it's the reasons you mention above that I used this image.

Becca 🌷