My 6-Hour Ride and Travel of Tabogon's Pride


It was a wonderful and perfect weekend to travel because the weather was so fine. I was taking my child as my travel buddy and companion on this trip that I opted to. I grabbed the motorcycle key, the helmet, and water with us to quench the thirst that we might feel along our way. Off we went to the barangays with wondrous ambiance that belong to the Municipality of Tabogon, to explore and share with you dear Hivers.

The First Stop-off


Our first stopover was at Ilihan, Tabogon, Cebu. Reaching the top was extraordinary. The place allows us to be stunned by the astounding landscape of nature. It gives us a fresh feeling and we were able to breathe the fresh air above.




From a distance, we have seen how the extreme hotness of the sun gradually turned the green vegetation into brown. It's summertime here in the Philippines. There was no rain in our hometown for the entire 2 months causing them to die.

The Second Stop-off




The bridge of Labangon has an alluring scene that enticed us to immerse ourselves in its relaxing view. We were able to see how deep it is and since I'm an acrophobic person, we never stayed here longer.



....spotted this vague field with numerous coconut trees. This is one of the sources of income here in our town. Not too far, we have seen how those folks religiously loaded onto the truck those sacks of copra coconut to be transported to the city for earnings.


As we proceeded on our journey, the stunning view of the mountain blasted 3 years ago caught our attention to gaze at its stunning view. This can be seen at the edge of the road.

The Third Stop-off




This journey was energy-draining, to be recharged we have eaten at Tabogon Public Market my favorite eating spot Manukan nga Tindahan or The Store for Fried Chicken. The prices here are so affordable and will surely make our stomachs full.

The Desire for Beaches

I will give you a virtual tour of some of the famous beaches often visited by people from neighboring towns. Aside from being affordable, they are splendid and marvelous.


Be mesmerized by the magnificent view of the Nipa Beach Resort. It was flocked with many people, especially on weekends. We were on top of the bridge while we took a photo of this amazing resort.




Oh, another breathtaking view that can be relaxing is this public beach resort of Muabog. You can see this resting place built on the safer side of the road. Staying here can be comforting and breathing the sea breeze can be soothing.






These man-made stairways will lead to a hidden Bitoon Beach Resort where you will be unburdened. The feeling of positivity will be magnetized due to the cool and vibrant surroundings.


Our journey can be terrifying and perilous because it was my first time driving our motorcycle to far places and having my kid with me as a back rider. However, I was enthusiastic so my child can explore and appreciate our fascinating Tabogon and can minimize the usage of gadgets too.


Thank you so much for reading my blog. It was a great weekend for me as I was able to release my anxieties and stress. It was full of adventure too. Traveling is exhilarating and can be the best stress reliever.

To more travels to come and to be blogged.

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You had an amazing joyride with Ixxie! Another wonderful experience with her. Yey!

Yes, it was. Thank God we got a safe ride.

kalingaw sa inyong joy ride. gikan ni Cebu City ang 6-hour ride to Tabogon?

Nope. It's within our hometown lng. It was a fulfilled journey.

Thank you for dropping by.

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Hello @naymhapz
Taking your bike and kid for a great travel experience seems such an amazing idea of an adventure.
As an adventure loving person are you aware of leo threads the twitter of the hive blockchain ?

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Hi @thetimetravelerz. Thank you for this great opportunity that you have offered to me. I like to join but I'm a lil bit confused about the process. As I clicked the join, it will connect me to Discord/wallet. Need more assistance regarding this matter.

Thank you so much.

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Currently the quest platform that checks our activity and awards us point is which was earlier called crew at the time I had made the tutorial post the rest of the steps are the same

Sorry for the long comment I just wanted to list out all the options for you so you do not have any difficulty.
I am here in case you have any confusion and need any assistance.

Alright, l will do what is being instructed. If still, I'm perplexed, I will give some feedback. Thank you for your quick response it is not that too long 🙂.

sure you ca write to me here

Thank you for being responsive.

Talagang nasulit ang day ah, for this wonderful travel. If you have a motorcycle talaga basta ginustong gumala to unwind, talagang magagawa no. How I wish I have a motorcycle and I know jow to drive it. You visit beautiful place there om so inggit.

Maam Marf, ma feel jd nko na enjoy kaau c Ixie sa rides!😍 What a great "mother and daughter" bonding!😍

Feel kaau niya ang ang moment lingkod2x tan-aw sa view!

Ahahahah! Thank you day. She was asking me last night where na pd mi mag travel ugma 😆😆😆. She likes it to the highest level.

ahhhhh..😍 mka-relate sd akong gamating ani, dayun ug inigpot if manlaag nami.
Happy kaau mga kids i-rides ay.

I feel envious because I also craving for vitamin Sea. 🙈😅🥰 It's already May but I don't have any memories this year with a beach. Hopefully at least experience going to the beach before the end of the year. Anyways, the place is peaceful. I hope I can go here man lang. 🌻

Hello @usagidee, is not too late yet you can have fun beaching. May is perfect for me here due to the extreme hot of the sun.

Thank you so much for your kind words and for dropping by.