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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

  1. Peace of mind 2. health 3. independence

I think nothing is more important to me than peace of mind. When you have peace of mind, you will not have emotional turmoil caused by all the unpleasantness and strife around you. We all know emotional stress can make you sick.

Good health - it is obvious. What is life without good health. Suffering! And that is no way to live.

Independence - I like to be independent. I don't like to have to depend on others. Unfortunately, no man is an island and we are all interdependent on each other.


You know? I was pretty black and white about my health for much of my life. Like "I hope I die before I get old" sort of black and white.

Well, I didn't. Die before I got old. I now have a much different appreciation about 'suffering' and how much is acceptable in the course of life. Just sayin'

I understand completely about independence. When I ride my motorcycle I am always helmeted with armored pants, jacket and gloves. I get asked why I wear all that shit fairly often. My answer? "I just want to be able to have a chance to wipe my own ass after I fall down." Notice I didn't say 'if I fall down'. It's been 40 years since I've been down on pavement, I'm probably about due.

I understand what you are saying. I don't fear death, or dying young. I fear needing someone to wipe my ass. But let's not tempt fate. Let's all live to wipe our asses till the last day. 😀

Good plan. I'll have one of my nephews let you know how that worked out for me :)

Good health and peace of mind are so important and I might want to say it's a general important things for everyone so if others don't mention it, it's still important to them.

Independency rocks! Life being independent is so amazing, you get to choose what you want for yourself and be happy your own way with out dictations and all.

Nice to know what you hold dear, I'm kinda new here 😊

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You are doing very well. 😊

You've picked out three really valuable things of importance that I think many would also choose, and rightly so. Peace of mind is especially important as it can allow one to form a solid platform for many other things to launch from. Like you say, it can help to mitigate turmoil and strife.

A nice comment and thank you kindly for getting involved this week.

I am not very good at expressing myself. But you get the gist of what I am trying to say.

My pleasure.

I did indeed. Thanks for your participation.

These are thing I believe I can't leave out of my life. Peace of mind is such a incredible thing to have and to cherish.

I am glad to hear you feel the say way too. Cheers!

Aye, Peace of Mind is a great album, indeed. Its importance shall echo through the ages.

So sad to observe that independence is on the retreat. It's all part of the normal cycle, I guess...Sigh

But you know what album is my favorite? Most wouldn't expect it. Brave New World.

Thank you for your comment. 😊 Have a great weekend.