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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

Yes, very important and complex. The clock is ticking, although when it will strike midnight, I have no idea. Lists are my thing, so I've got that going already, lol. I had not looked at it as pros and cons, so I'll add that in, thanks.

I've got the unpacking down to a fine art now (took years to build that). Now it's just some odds and sods to unpack and a bit of tying up some loose ends. Plans week ahead for unpacking and elimination of possessions. 😁


Plans week ahead for unpacking and elimination of possessions.

I need a sticker with those words. Ha, ha, ha.

Pretty cool to know you're already on the right track regarding that issue. Keep it up.

Ha, ha, ha. That is the way! 🤣

But it is funny to see how much I can chew at once!

Ha, ha, ha. Doesn't sound fun if you can't do dumb stuff from time to time. 🤣