

Bologna... Braunsweiger... Deviled Ham... And WTF is in a Vienna Sausage.??



Did you just say...

"I'll hand squeeze my own sausage. 😜...?"

That is a man thing...


OH is this some new method of making sausages? 🤣😅

grabs pen and paper ready to learn

It was toooooooooooooo tempting 🤣. I remember when I first watched that video. I never really tried hot dogs again

Wow no hotdogs or donuts for you hmm 😏😏. I am sure you aren't missing out at all. There are lots of things one can try.

Nine sorry for the super late response but.... I prefer your way a lot lolll. It is better than the processed crap with the factory-like taste 🤣. I never made home-made sausages but I am sure it is much better than the video I shared about how hotdogs are made 😅😅

Salad > donuts. I would take the avocado salad too 🍽🍽.