Engagement 206 For or against capital penalty?

in Weekend Experiences15 days ago

Very good weekend to all the members of this community. Interesting and controversial topics that brings us @galenkp, particularly I would like to participate giving my opinion on capital punishment this is a complex and controversial issue that generates conflicting opinions in society.

Those in favor of the death penalty argue that it is a proportional punishment for certain serious crimes, such as violent crimes, rape, etc. They point out that it serves to prevent the commission of such crimes and that it would provide justice to the victims and their families.

I am among those who oppose capital punishment, it is an inhumane punishment that violates the right to life and human dignity, I think that for nothing in this world we have the right to take the life of anyone, regardless of how horrible the crimes committed may be, there are other sentences to do justice.

Violence calls violence, nothing more wrong as humanity than the saying of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, the death penalty perpetuates a cycle of violence and revenge, instead of promoting reconciliation and rehabilitation of offenders, this should be the ultimate goal that we should propose as a society.

Capital punishment has been shown to be ineffective as a deterrent against crime, as there is no conclusive evidence that it reduces the homicide rate compared to other forms of punishment.

On the other hand as @jacobtothe very well addressed in his post, the judicial system has countless flaws, covering a wide range that includes the corruption of many judicial systems, so it is not unlikely that miscarriages of justice could lead to the execution of innocent people.In fact there have been multiple famous cases to name a few we can mention the case of Cameron Todd Willingham in Texas, who was executed in 2004 for a fire that he was wrongly held responsible and the case of George Stinney who with only 14 years and in a speedy trial was in 1944 taken to the electric chair and in 2014 was acquitted by finding anomalies in the process,

It is fair to point out that the United Nations and various human rights organizations have urged countries to abolish capital punishment, noting that it goes against the principles of universal human rights.

We mustl reflect on the implications of capital punishment on society and consider more humane and effective alternatives to address criminality and promote justice.

Thank you @galenkp for giving us the opportunity to address this issue, thank you all for reading and commenting.

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