Engagement week 200

In the course of our lives we have faced various situations or factors that can contribute to us feeling insecure. There can be multiple causes and it depends from the confidence we have in ourselves to the environment in which we live.

In my particular case, what makes me suffer the most from insecurity is the fear of failure, especially when my decision depends on the health, safety or general welfare of people who are not able to make their own decisions.

I have been in that situation on several occasions, I think most parents and all those who have had under their responsibility the care of their parents or other people who are totally or partially limited to decide.

With children in choosing the right school, being fair and educational in their upbringing, especially with the proper treatment of adolescents and thousands of other situations.

One of the strongest decisions I had to face was when my father's doctors called me to decide whether or not to continue with hemodialysis, everything was already lost and whatever my choice was, it would lead to a fatal outcome. I did not dare to say and I encouraged the debate between them and my husband who is a renal physiologist, I tried to find a solution that would give my dad a dignified end, so the consensus was to perform hemodialysis when it could alleviate his condition.

Without a doubt, making informed decisions allows me to control my fears and prepare myself to take responsibility for the results, thinking about the possible consequences and how to correct them if I do not achieve the expected result.

Now I feel confident when I perform actions of my competence, for which I am prepared by the knowledge and skills that are required, it also does me a lot of good the support of empathetic people who have confidence in me and fill you with positive messages that make you feel that everything will go right.

There are many examples, but I am going to tell you about one of the most important and it is when you present yourself in front of a group to show them how to do something, it is very valuable then that the suggestions, suggestions and criticisms are assertive, that inspires security.

These are some of my experiences about what makes me feel safe and what makes me feel more insecure, but obviously it all depends on the people, the situations.
Thank you all for reading and commenting.
The images are my property. I used the translator DeepL.