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RE: Quinta Life/ Off Grid Living - Running on Empty

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

lol. I'm sorry for your travails, but they sure do make a good story!!!

Hopefully you've gotten everything functioning again.

I had terrible trouble sleeping recently. I tried everything. Everything I tell ya! I switched up my diet. I stopped going out in the evenings. I took epsom salt baths before bed. I took vitamin D. I took a homeopathic remedy, I stopped smoking pot. It just kept getting worse.

Until someone suggested I try a sound machine. It worked beautifully. You probably have one on your phone, that works without cell service. I got seven solid hours last night. I'm a different person.

If noise is what wakes you up, it really could be helpful for you.


As you might have already seen, things have been fixed and are up and running and I am actually sleeping better. It might have helped that I talked to my neighbor about her dog keeping me up at night, too ;<)

Believe me, I have decades of experience with sleep (issues) too but I am doing a lot better, lately. Noises are my main concerns, these days. Sleeping with sound on does not really work for me ( or is it noise cancelling sound? )

Glad the sound machine worked for you!