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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 37: Your job passion

Oh yes, it's a bummer but one has to face reality and I am sure you also had to many times.
No need to run away or to feel sorry for the self as life has a way of working itself out.
I am glad that both of them already have jobs in the UK, the husband is a professional project manager and apparently her company has a furnished home for them.
So, all is good and the future of the kids holds many new promises.

Maybe I will see them again one day, but if not, their happiness is all that matters.

What more can one ask for?


I think you'll see them Zac, take a trip one day maybe.

Nah, maybe they will come here for a visit in a few years Galen, as they know that I could never afford that trip. I don't have a pension and will have to earn my stipend at Papillon R6000 per month until the day that I am no more.

Note that I am not pleading poverty, as Marian is a lecturer at a seminary and she earns enough to keep us going every month, but a trip like that will destroy our set-up.

I understand, we feel it too...O/S travel is so expensive...It would be cool to love in Europe where everything is so close, but for us here in Australia it costs a gazillion bucks to get anywhere!

My dream is to live in Europe one day my friend. Never been there, but if anyone can survive in Africa or in your case Australia, then we could both easily make a living there.

I like Europe...But there's a lot of people there Zac, and me no likey lots of people really. Still, I think I could find a quiet little spot and make it home.

Already checked it out and the south of France seems to have many isolated spots Galen.
One needs to find a plot of land to build a nice little house with 2 bedrooms and a big study, as a lock up and go place. From there one can explore the whole of Europe at will.

I like the sound of that and would love to make it work. I speak a little French too, not much mind, just enough to get by. Hmm, maybe one day huh?