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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 45: Only three items [answer and win hive]

Ostrich shells was a secret that we learned aboy in the army Galen.
They make a perfect water bottle and for some reason the water stays fresher for longer than when it's stored in metal and plastic.

The Khoi-San was the first people in the Cape and they have a fantastic history. Dressed in buck skin loin cloths, they survivedby hunting with a bow and poisoned arrows. They used snake venom to poison the tips of their arrows, so if they wound an animal, they would follow it, as the venom would eventually lame the animal.

They lived in the bush and crossed the wide plains of Africa on foot. Masters of tracking anything that left a mark on the sand. It is said that when they scored an animal, they would eat until their stomachs swell up, and then won't eat for the next 3 days.
I don't know how true this is, but you can always ask Mrs. Google.


I have heard of these people before...It's amazing how humanity have always seems to find a way to thrive...I wonder how it'll go in the next 100 years though. I'll be dead, but I still wonder.

I think that the people 100 years ago also wondered how thing would be now Galen.
Disposable flying cars, electronic chips in everyone's head, no food and only nutrient rich pills.
So many things that one can think about, but you are right, as thankfully we will not see it.

There's much change to come...Probably most not for the better.

Sorry, late as been away the whole day. Hey that rhimes.
"In those days you will see things that you have never seen before"
So true, as even a little virus that we have never seen before has stopped the whole world.

I don't look forward to the things the next generations are going to have to deal with. I'm hoping to set ourselves up in a way that gives the little man some land away from people that he can grow his own family on and stay far away from the technocrat shit they are trying to force on everyone.

This is smart thinking...if you can make it happen, help him develop the skills he will need then I htink you'll be doing him a service. Those kids playing fortnight right now, hanging out at the skate park...Well, let's just say their skills will not be much use to them. Just saying.