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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Ah I am a bit late this weekend, but hungover me is proud I got this in before noon my time haha.
I like this one though! 3 things that are most important to me are:

  1. Being authentic. This is also the most important one! I believe very much in being who you are, not changing who you really want to be or what you love doing the most for other people. And when you are happy with yourself, you will attract people who love you for you!
  2. Seeing the world and lovely people in it in the short time we have. I really try not to spend too much time on things that just eat time but don't give me anything (like TV, I got rid of it this year!) and instead have real adventures with real people, enjoying beautiful places on this planet etc
  3. Showing love. If you love people, let them know! Share the love!

Not late at all, and you have a good excuse.

Being your true self is really important, yeah. No point being a puppet on a string for the benefit of others. Be you and own it. Nice choice for first here.

Travel, seeing the world, is a cool one. I've travelled a lot and have to say that once I did and understood the benefits I was hooked. Where was your favourite place so far?

The love? Yeah plint, this goes without saying.

Take care of that hangover and have a good weekend.

Thanks, I think I'll have some grilled cheese in a bit, that always helps with the hangover!

I love travelling, even though this past year it has been very domestic because of the pandemic, I actually enjoyed getting to know my own country better! But my favorite trip was the year I spent in South America. What a magical place! I especially loved Bolivia, so different, crazy nature and really lovely people.

I think I read a post you did about this. Bolivia. Amazing!

I hope the hangover is going well, getting better.

Hangover almost cured I think! Sweated it out in the gym and had a long shower, good as new now!

Look at you! Ready to get into Saturday with a fresh new feeling! No drinking tonight?

Haha no drinking tonight! Or all of the week for that matter. I've been trying to drink less and also less often so whenever I do decide to drink I make that the only time in the week

Ah ok I get it. I'm not much of a drinker so respect someone choosing to limit it somewhat. I like to have a drink now and then, but never to excess. Probably boring in some people's estimation, but it works for me.

😂 😂 You're so funny, you got rid of your TV last year? Was it that much of a bother? Well, it's more cool to see things for yourself... It's adventure

I love your list of important things, being real is the deal.

I just noticed I would turn the tv on to watch something and then wouldn't turn it off, but also wouldn't be watching something I wanted to watch anymore, so I was just wasting time...