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RE: My favourite transportation

Yes, indeed. They have to be comfortable for the legs for walking better, I prefer the trekking ones. For the spine also. The new ones that I have are horrible for the spine even if they're from a good brand.

I have to appreciate all sort of shoes, boots also that offer longer comfort as I am attached to my boots when I travel and to some sandals that are meant for travelling also by foot.

I am curious about the topic for this weekend but I will have patience again.

Good night!


Patience is a virtue they say. I still haven't come up with a topic...Will try and think about it tomorrow whilst I'm at work so I get paid to think! Lol.


I hope you'll have a creative time at work tomorrow.
Will you come up with a very challenging idea?
I hope so!

Work is going ok so far...Rocky start to the morning but it got smoothed out. :)

Enjoy it! And let's see what ideas you will generate!