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RE: The Weekend of the Craftsman: Priorities

Definitely exercise is key. It's like brushing your teeth - you can't neglect it, even if you want to. And you always feel a bit better afterwards. Teaching all day, I'm too tired at teh end of the day, but I force myself outdoors and in the garden or around the block. It's freezing here but it'll still be good for my mental and physical health to get out.


Yes, I need to get back to my 1-hour-a-day walk around the block. It might help me a lot with stress as well. And I don't teach anymore but having sore feet from standing reminds me a lot of it. 😅

Teaching is a hard gig, don't relive those memories!

It's too late Vietnam memories! 😅

Shakes and all!!!

A true traumatic experience! 😂