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RE: This land is my land, or is it?

I agree with you. I'd like to think that at least wiping out three quarters of us and leaving me and you behind would be a better alternative to complete destruction, but I'm willing to sacrifice myself for the planet. I try not to watch those docos as I get far too upset. Focussing on nature's resilience and the capacity of mushrooms to mop up oil spills is better for my mental health.


I'd like to think that at least wiping out three quarters of us and leaving me and you behind would be a better alternative to complete destruction

A most excellent solution indeed.

I try not to watch those docos as I get far too upset.

I hear you. They actually make me angry to be honest. I mean, the answers are right there, we can fix this over time, but no one really wants to. People like to talk a big game, be politically correct and make a stand. Ask them to go without something though, and it's nope, not going without!