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RE: Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 172

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 9 months ago

Gah, all delightfully tricky ones! Intended of course.... the plane text one is hard. Faced with that choice I probably wouldn't send one at all 🀣

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Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

I wanted to add a bit of spice to the weekend. I think the text one would be quite a difficult one, especially if one immersed themselves in the actual moment described, the plane plummeting to the ground.

Anyway, have a good one!

Maybe I'd be too busy having sex to send a text... :)

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

With the pilot...which is why the plane is going down.

You mean the pilot was going down he he he

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

Literally...and literally.