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RE: I'm annoying: Lazy Weekends

Well, I am in the age that now its difficult to change myself.

Rubbish. You can do anything you decide to do. The human brain is incredibly plastic and anyone saying they are too old to change is just looking for excuses.

I sure agree it's nice to relax and sleep in, and watch TV etc, but not when you make life harder for other people.

I see the comedy in this post of course, but also feel sorry for the people around you that suffer because you're lazy, which you literally said happens :P


well, its just the difference of opinions and the way of thinking. I cannot do or think the same way as you do but I do respect and value each opinion. What looks excuse to you could be my lifestyle which I dont wanna change.
It could be vise versa as they all are making my life harder when asking me to do something which I cannot on weekends hehehe
correction here, they are not suffering because of me as they are not lazy, its just me who is LAZY 😎
you really made this post very interesting to me, thanks a lot