Crushing it: Memories of Unresolved Past Love

in Weekend Experienceslast year (edited)


Hello everyone in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCE community!

I am @saydie and this is my 1st time writing here and share my weekend experience with everyone thanks to @shawnnft for introducing me on this community. I hope to get along with everyone in here. In this post, I will be sharing how my first relationship has ended up as my entry on Writing prompt week 137.

How Did it Start?

It was year 2011 when it happened during the first year of my college when I met Zai (her nick name). It was the start of the semester and everything was a new world to me with new unfamiliar faces. There is no such thing as sitting arrangements here and being quite tall, I do not have a problem being at back so I sat there, quietly observing this new environment that I have. Few moments later she comes to the room and chooses to sit on the chair in front of me. We were, classmates. At first, I do not have my eyes on here although she was quite a beauty with a slender figure as she was an active dancer. In fact, we do not talk to each other for the next 3 weeks until there was a group activity and we were grouped with each other together with another 2 female classmates which is quite awkward since I'm the only male in the group but since we sit next to each other, talking to her was easier than the other 2 which is seated far from us. Since then, we began talking to each other casually even after the project was done or should I say that I started to saw her as an opposite partner and started to get close to her with the idea of being a courting her and after two and a half month's of courting, I finally got her yes.

What Attracted me to Her?

As I said before, Zai had a slender figure but that was not the thing that attracted me to her. She had this gentle eyes and soft voice which I failed to see at the beginning since I sit behind her and the way she spoke before was quite stiff because like me, she is also new to this environment and was still adjusting. Every time we speak with each other and saw her smile, it just makes me feel really happy and that is when I realize that I already fell for her.

So What Happened?

Everything was going well with us during the more than one year that we are together. We frequently text and call each other when we get home and always hang out after our Saturday class, either us alone or with friends, playing at the gaming center on a nearby mall and eat together or occasionally go on a friends house to have our beer Saturday but after that, I made sure that she will get home safe and even escort her when necessary which allows me to meet her Aunt and learn that she was not living with her parents. I do not know how her Aunt see me as a person but they treated me nicely when I go there so It did not cross my mind that she and her Aunt did not get along until after the end of first year in college where we went with friends and drink to celebrate surviving the year, followed by along vacation. There, she becomes quite emotional for some reason and started to cry but she won't tell anything with friends around so I decided to ask my friend to lend us his room so that we can Talk privately (before anyone gets the wrong idea) and there she tells me everything, that her Aunt was very strict to her and always sermon her when she gets home late regardless of the reason so when we go out during Saturdays, she always got a scolding from her Aunt but decided to did it anyway because other than that she wasn't allowed to go anywhere aside from school and church and because we will be on a long vacation, she will not be able to leave her home. To calm her down, I promised to always call and visit her although this hurts my pocket as I won't be getting any allowance until the start of school and decided to do some freelance jobs for it so that I can somewhat bribe her aunt with some sweets. And that is how we spent our vacation.

Vacation has ended and now, were second years and we can see each other again frequently but this time, we go out less and only if she persist, in order to not anger her Aunt but at the same time, the times I visit her at home becomes more frequent until the end of the semester. After that, there was a 2 week vacation and I spent that time on the province to attend a relative's wedding but i still call her during this time. When the next semester started, I learned the news that she has left to go with her parents and I've got no explanation why and did not say anything when I call her. The only conclusion that I have was because of her relationship to her Aunt but even so, I decided not to call her and waited patiently for her to do the explaining. I waited her call for weeks and months but she did not call a single time so I decided to call her but when I do, her number was out of reach. I do not know if it was out of reach ever since she left or it was done recently. Maybe if I just call immediately then, I could have the answer. We are friends at facebook so there is a way to contact her but I decided not to contact her because I was disappointed and hurt until I just don't care anymore.

Few Years Later

The school where I study has this Laderized System where after 2 years on college, I was able to graduate on a vocational course and can get my degree after studying another 2 years. After finishing the first 2 years, I decided to work. Fast forward to 2016 my job has required me to attend a 3-day seminar out of town and my company has reserve me a hotel accommodation for it and despite not very active on social media, having such rare opportunity for a luxury stay makes me to brag them on my facebook.

Image was a screenshot of my facebook post

After years of no communication, Zai has messaged me on facebook saying that she was working near the hotel where I am. She said that she was working as a sales staff and wants me to look on thier products but like, was that the only reason? I mean, after years of no communication, she, out of nowhere, she wants to meet me just to sell some products? It feels really forced to me so I decided to respectfully decline her, saying that I cannot leave the hotel because we have night actives. It wasn't that I hold a grudge on her but I have moved on and was on a different relationship at that time so whatever she say will not change the status between us. Maybe, she just want to sell her products but who knows. Until now were still facebook friends but after that last engagement, if was never followed again.

The End

And that was my Crushing it story, I know that there were things I did here that other people might not agree with or think that I could have done better and I will agree to you with that but this was from the past and no amount of recollection and repentance from me will change it. What's important is the experience that I get from it which has shaped the current me for better or for worst. If you are able to made it here, thank you so much for reading my story. While I did not get a happy ending on this relationship, I hope that you will find yours. All the best until next time.


Background image Source is a Public Domain- Modified by @saydie.

Font used is free for commercial use.

Blog Dividers I got from thepeaktudio


Wow nice Saydie I was also going to do this topic haha. funny

Nice! let us see that bittersweet story of yours.

Very interesting read.

Once I started I had to finish. 😉

Thank you!

I was young and it was my first relationship so I have made bad decisions.

I liked your way of telling what happened to you 👍. In this life we ​​are constantly learning, I hope yours is for the best 😎. Good post ✔️💯.

Thank you! Despite what happened, I'm still grateful for that experience because it allowed me to share something in the community. All I hope for her is to be happy with her life.