 3 years ago  

...And you just successfully talked me out of ever hiring scuba gear.

everything else is ok to hire but wetsuits.....I always used to say" would you wear someone elses underwear" this could of course send the conversation down many different paths.....

 3 years ago  

"would you wear someone else's underwear"

I wore Faith's once, but on my head...I have a photo, but it's not hitting the blockchain.

We'd been out for dinner in Florence, Italy and had had a little too much to drink. I was fucking around and...Well, put them on my head like a mask and was jumping around the room like a superhero. Not my finest moment. It was as red g-string and I had them on back to front...Erm...Yeah, sometimes I wish I had the balls to put that photo on the blockchain as it's funny as fuck...So far, nope.

I'd not hire a wet suit though, despite my underwear episode as above.

yup I call that the spiderman, we've all been there bro. You're part of an elite super hero team!

 3 years ago  

I had thought I was an isolated superhero...Now I know I'm part of an elite team of hero's keeping the world safe and free from evil.

Damn right!