[WE116] Weekend-Engagement concept [Three day Happy Weekend]

A three-day weekend is actually a very good thing. It would be much better if the three-day weekend was implemented in every country in the world. I would applaud if three days off in a week were accepted by the government and the people of every country

A three-day weekend doesn't mean everything will be better. There will be both bad and good sides. Today I will try to share my personal views with you. Today I will present to you some of the things I have collected from myself about what kind of change and what kind of positive things will happen to us if we spend the weekend.

Happy Weekend.png

First of all, if it is Jatin then it will be a very good day for those of us who are currently working as day laborers because we who are working in other companies and working in other places, our fixed current time is seen to be closed for a day or two. It is seen in the country that the weekend is currently fixed for two days so now if this week is reduced to three days then it will be much better for the working people and they will be able to do their family and their own personal work properly without facing any problem. It will not be a very good one because everyone wants to spend time with his family. Due to our current work life we ​​are going far away from family and our family children. getting

If the weekend is three days then the problems that are now family problems in our society will not be anymore. We can give time to family. The family will not be able to complain to us because we are now able to give full time to the family which is very nice but talking about what will be done for the company and the various workers who have employed them at present will be very difficult because they are three. If a worker is given leave then the company will not get good results and the company will not be able to make any good progress this is very bad for the company.

But nowadays many countries have declared weekends as holidays. In spite of this, people are giving one day off in two days to various company groups. This we can see one day off in a week different companies really survive if the company survives if the company doesn't then what will any media company like to work.

But the thing is changing with time, people of the world want to change themselves and reduce working hours, coming to all countries of the world and pouring themselves into the side and reducing working hours and at the same time taking care of weekends. We think three days off in a week will be much better for us because we are a worker we have to work and eat and one day we will get three days off this week.


Will we be able to solve four days of work on a three-day weekend?

If I work for four days, in those four days we must do enough work for the company, we must carefully earn three days off because the company also wants that four days the company has in hand to work well and take the company to a profitable position because the company will not ask for any time off. His company is making a loss and he will give three days off in a week everyone wants to give three days off in a week so that his company can grow well whenever his company is making a profit when you can complete a week of work in 4 days in a company the company must be happy

And if you work one week at a time then you will never get this opportunity. You should take the opportunity whenever you can to solve all the problems of the company. If you can complete a week's work in 4 days, why won't the company give you leave? Why would you be allowed to stay at home for three days if you can work like a company?

Advantages and disadvantages of three days a week

  • Three days in a week is the advantage that people can spend more time with their family and keep themselves very happy

  • This will lead to a very difficult time for those who are not with the family and everyone will suffer a lot due to being away from their family

  • If you want, you can build another company within time because everything is possible if you want

  • To take advantage of this, people will try to do something new, meanwhile work engagement will increase

  • In time everyone will want to keep themselves happy and they will move between different places and expenses will also be found that new workers will be needed.

  • Due to which three days holiday in a week has been made, the government will not be able to control it properly


In this way, we can pass these weekends through various problems. And for many people, this will be very good. For many people, things will be very bad. But I think that three days off a week is not a solution. If a weekend is given at the present time, then surely people can accept it very well. If a company and a There won't be any kind of problem or hesitation between the workers. I think if a company gives it then a worker will be much better for it.

Thanks for posting such a beautiful post. Because if I have made any kind of mistake here, then you must look at it with forgiveness. I have tried to present my words to you on my own personal initiative. I don't know how much I have done here, or how much I haven't done, I may have done a lot of mistakes here, so please forgive me and let me know your opinions in my comment box. Best wishes and congratulations to all


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Sir, Thank you very much