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RE: Engagement 203 At my side who makes me happy

wow what a sweet true love story for your close friend. For me, there's one case where age does matter. In my opinion, there shouldn't be minor x adult mainly cause of dangers of the law and stuff. It won't be favorable for the adult and it can ruin their life and of course vice versa. If both parties are adults, then it's fair game.

You are right though it's important to have someone by our side that makes us happy and can accept us for who we are. I'm happy for you that you found that person. I'm still waiting to meet my destined partner but it's all good no rush. Hope you had a good weekend :D


Thank you for commenting, I absolutely agree with you with respect to minors, for it to be a healthy love both parties must be fully able to decide.
In my country they say that what is for you there is no one who can take it away, so the right person will come along, you'll see. Happy Sunday🤗

you're welcome! Hive is meant to comment on others post haha. Glad to see you agree with me because I don't know some people think its ok @_@.

O.O I see I will wait for what is for me then haha. Thank you! Happy Monday now here xD

It is a great pleasure to be able to exchange opinions, this way we learn and grow. I'm sure you'll see how your other half arrives, meanwhile enjoy life. Very good start of the week for you , here it's still not 10:00 p.m 🤗

Yes thank you for exchanging opinions. Maybe I will there's no rush for me at the moment even tho o.o some family members keep saying to fin someone and get married LOL. Oh wow you have a good night then.

Don't rush, keep your time The right person will come along🤗

Thank you i hope so!