Being Human, Again!

I finally took the time out this weekend to get my grooming done! The weather was clean, sunny. I wanted to go for a walk anyways, so why not just walk to the saloon! Trimmed my beard a couple of days back and got a haircut today. This was one of the rare instances where I actually liked the haircut. I don't know why, but I'm never happy with haircuts. There's always something that bothers me (even if there's nothing wrong with the haircut).


Don't get me wrong, I don't nag the barber for a "bad" haircut. It's just to myself, I find something is not right and every time it's nothing specific. Maybe I'm just annoyed I had to "waste" an hour in the queue waiting for my serial. But today I liked it. Maybe because of how bad it was before the haircut (I've spoken all about it in my previous post)! It is also quite relieving as I was starting to feel like I'm harboring all of the heat of the last few days in my head. It feels like a heavy weight (literally!) has been lifted off of my head!



I have fallen behind by quite a bit in our writing challenge. Dada is running off with it at 10 or 11 posts already! Or is it "12?" I've lost count really, I'm sitting comfortably at 5 :D Well, what was I expecting getting into this challenge!


I'm sure head-clerk will agree, but Linco bhai thinks I can still catch up! Let me let him down in the grandest of failures :D :D

Speaking of which, I think it is good to let people down from time to time. Don't you think? Let me elaborate.

Maybe you are really good at finding free pdfs of ebooks online and you are the go to guy whenever someone needs a pdf. And guess what, you deliver every time! Every friggin' time, until one day when you don't. You just couldn't find it. Big deal!

But yes, big deal! You've delivered so many times, you haven't let anyone down in so long that they have grown to believe this is how it is supposed to be, always. That, it is for granted. And so, the one single time you don't deliver and someone else does deliver, your contribution is already being questioned.

You're at fault mister, for you've let people down a bit too late.

No one blames an average player when they fail to deliver, but the once in a blue moon when Lionel Messi or Christiano Ronaldo fails to deliver, all hell breaks loose!

And that is how humans are with their tiny goldfish memory. Ungratefulness is probably tied in to human nature. Who knows!

Anyways, I'm "looking" like a human again after the haircut and beard trimming, says my mother. I sure as hell don't wanna act like a human though :)

Happy Weekend!

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Hey there, I'm glad you like your haircut...Always a bonus. I've rarely had a bad haircut, once maybe, so I guess I'm lucky?

I hope you have a great weekend, thanks for using the weekend Community. 😁

I've rarely had a bad haircut

Heh I'm envious now! :D

But a good haircut weekend is a good weekend isn't it! You too have a pleasant weekend! Hope everything is alright with Faith and her mom now :)

 4 years ago (edited) 

Faith has an operation this week, her mum has cancer and a massive operation coming up should she choose to have it, months of recovery and chemotherapy...Unfortunately things won't be ok for a while but we'll push on, do the best we can and do it together.

Thanks for your well wishes though. 😉

I can understand the difficulty you're going through Galen. I hope you remain strong and fight this through.

We're working through it bit by bit and will face whatever comes. 😏

noice. enjoy your weekend, I too had a a break of sorts after a long lock down was nice getting out again :-)

It did get pretty suffocating with the lock down didn't it!

You too have a nice weekend :))

Doc, I think you are never a good leader until you have failed, or let someone or the whole team down. I am sure I read that somewhere but where I don’t remember :) Getting old and senile :)

Failure is important because if you are very good and haven’t failed you don’t know what to do when you finally fail.

And first time is hard. But also very good ;) As one of fav soul music singer Sade sang

It's never as good as the first time

If you haven’t listened to it I highly recommend :)

She means the opposite though in this song. But you know I will tell you this....

What’s the difference? ;)

if you are very good and haven’t failed you don’t know what to do when you finally fail.

100% Dada. This is very similar to something I was told when I was learning to drive and you have probably heard this too....if your car didn't get a scratch when you're learning, you're not a very good driver.

Failure is not just about the "failure." It's the response to failure that either makes one a leader/winner or a quitter. We are humans, we are destined to makes mistakes and fail, aren't we ;)

As Thanos says, Dread it, run from it. Destiny still arrives.

I never figured out Thanos very well. Makes him very human isn't it? Gods are surprisingly human.

Interesting challenge. What do you think about our challenge to protect our freedom❓

I think it's important.

How can we protect our freedom❓ What do you think?

I like your unique style of writing ,

And where can i find that DaDa's writing challenge 🤣 is there any tag??

Good to read your weekend post 💓

Hahah no, it's not any official challenge/contest or something like that! It's just a fun internal thing we're doing to push ourselves to write quality content more often!

I got it a little becouse in our friends gathering we also call one of our friend as DaDa ..
Like, Dada ap to buhut nice ho .. 🤣😂🤣

Nice to meet you friend at Hive .i am Rashid from Pakistan . I take a visit sometimes in week at hive but busy all the day at similar platform with my responsibilties and other friends 😊

Could you please explain a little about this weekly engagment becouse i am confused about the rules .. ??
Can i write all my weekly activities in one post ?
Or i jave to make a post daily ?
Is there any topic for weekly/daily post ?
Is there a particular tag?

Oh no no! There are no rules :D It's not even a contest.

It's just one day a friend noticed 4 of us, we write too less on HIVE. So we're just trying to see who can write the most posts in one month among the 4 of us, that's all!

Ok thanks alot dear friend . May i ask which country you belong ?

Ohhhh, boy. Do I need a haircut. I haven't had one since February and my brother is coming to visit this week so it's haircut time.

I do think it's a good thing to let people down every now and again. It's the most basic definition of human: One who will fail you at some point. :)

Since February! Damn, you've beaten me to that! Go get a haircut champ!

One who will fail you at some point

Not many people seem to understand this, do they! We as humans need to accept our flaws, and the flaws in others.

Have a pleasant weekend Tom :))

My barber shop is back open, but closed Monday so it will be Tuesday until I get there. I'm really due.

When I can accept my flaws it makes it easier to accept everybody else's. It just makes life a lot easier to live.

Hope you had a great weekend!