The Three Skills That will Save The World. #weekend-engagement 204

in Weekend Experiences5 months ago

Hello fellow Hivians. It is my pleasure to participate in the #weekend-engagement of this week. This opportunity gives us the privilege to brainstorm and make efforts that improve our mental soundness

There are four options in the questions for this week's engagement. I picked interest in the fourth option which talks about the best three things we should have. The following are the three things I think we should have so that we can remedy the world from the impending doom of running out of its useful resources.

Ability To Conserve

Understanding the impending danger of actually running out of resources like water, fuel, power and others should make us cultivate the habit of conserving what is available. We should deliberately avoid wastage and overuse.

Conservation attitude would be one of the most important skills because it will help us to manage the available resources prudently. The ability to conserve is a very important virtue. When we learn to conserve we will have a reservoir of those resources which we are losing.

Ability To Recycle

The ability to recycle is another skill that is required now. There should be a recycling mechanism or system in operation in all the nations of the world. Recycling will make us reused those wastes. It will reduce having useless substances around and give way to replenishing what is gone. Recycling also will make resources available. Through recycling there would be replenishing of depleting resources.

Ability To Convert

Another most important skill I consider that could serve the world from apocalypse is the ability to convert common materials or raw materials into useful resources. There are several common substances around us. Some of them seem to be of no use. The scientists and other technologist should research more and see how to convert these common but less used resources into the most used ones.


We should not wait until it is too late to remedy. Let us cultivate the habits of conserving, recycling and converting materials and resources so that we could save our world a bit more years of survival.


We tend to waste things when they are plenty and it's time we learn how to do things differently if we are to survive when resources are less. Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)


Yes, we need to have a different approach towards handling resources on earth. Please thank you for reading my post, you just so a seed of encouragement in me through that action.

Great insight and proposal friend. Thank you, for this enlightenment. If we conserve and convert and recycle, we might increase the life span of our world's ecosystem.

Thank you, sister @uyoho for encouraging me on the blockchain.

Great. Your idea is refreshing to read. True, it's good to have those skills to prevent a disaster like an apocalyptic world.

Thank you, friend for finding good sense in it.

You're welcome.