Squirrel Sunday - Bombing Raid

It is time for another #squirrelsunday

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A young squirrel doesn't know he is in enemy territory. He never read well in class and ignored the warning signs posted around the forest.

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A border guard ran over and yelled at him. Hey you get outta there its dangerous!

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As most youth are this squirrel rebelled against authority and figured it was just a grown up being square again. La de da I'll just be here enjoying this tree sap.

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I'm telling ya! Danger is coming!!! For your own sake remove yourself from this sector!

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Meh I'm too busy checking out my cool new kicks. Buzz off Mr. border guard or I'll tell my mom on you!

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The guard then decided to let fate play out. Oh well I tried some squirrels are just too dumb to know what's best for them.

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Suddenly the air raid sirens went off and you could hear the humming of large engines.

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As they got closer and closer the tail fins of the bombs started whistling in the air...

Fortunately the young squirrel lived to see another day and the suburban SUV was totally demolished. Moral of the story... be a good squirrel and learn how to read and stop obsessing over your new shoes and maple syrup.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


That was pretty entertaining. The squirrel was very cute, but it was the bird formation that got me. Are they forming a heart shape up there?

Yeah those are sandhill cranes migrating south, it was two v shapes but the cropping does make it look like a heart shape now that you mention it.

That's cool. Thanks

Fun #squirrelsunday 👍 You must be watching Masters of the Air for inspiration

Haha I definitely need to watch that again. I used to drive by the Davis Monthan Airforce Base and see the bomber graveyard. Just yesterday I was in San Antonio working on a project for the Boeing Tech Port and saw all kinds of military aircraft flying around.