Squirrel Sunday - Into the Squirrelverse

The squirrels haven't been cooperating with my camera lately for this #squirrelsunday and they fell into an ai squirrelverse.

This guy was posing nicely until I had my camera ready. Then he darted off creating a cropped image. I had to use a magic spell to curse him for being a bad model.

Now he has been teleported into an alternate dimension of horrific squirrel madness. How will he ever learn to survive here?

Fortunately he met some friendly soldier chipmunks who were off to battle the evil long eared squirrel forces. He man we'll feed you plenty of provisions if you help us scrap against the long eareds. So the squirrel joined them.

The chipmunks left out the part where the long eareds were wearing superior armor and he was captured as some kind of foreign spy.

The dungeon master will question this poor earth squirrel about his intentions in this realm. But first he has to administer his best truth serum.

The poor earth squirrel didn't know any better. What a nice meal, don't mind if I do...

Now the mushroom's poisons are taking effect on his mind. He feels like he is falling from an endless skyscraper with no place to land...

When he does land finally he is surrounded by red squirrel fire imps. They continually ask him why he is here? Are you a spy? Are you here to take our acorns?

The earth squirrel thinks up a story quickly... I am but a mere holy man traveling through this world bringing the good news of the walnut faith to the lowly rodents of this realm... Trust me I have swore an oath to telling the truth... Finally the mushroom toxin has wore off and the dungeon master sends the earth squirrel straight to the monastery...

Morel of the story, don't end up with a photographer's curse on you if you are a squirrel.


one constant across all squirrelverse...acorns 🙂

The currency of every rodent's kingdom oe empire.