My Safe place to Create WE81

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago


My whole life, I have made up stories in my head. I learned at an early age not to share them. They were usually about being in nature with a lot of magic thrown in. A great story must have a magical, mystical creature too! So there was always one of those in my stories also.

None of my stories were ever written down. I told a few stories to my older brother late at night when he had trouble sleeping. He had terrible growing pains in his legs when he was younger. At night he would knock on the wall that separated our two rooms. I would wake up and ask him what the matter was?

Can you tell that story again? he would say. My mind, always thinking about twenty things at once, would have to ask him to be a bit more specific. I knew a lot of stories, and I could make up new ones at the drop of a hat. The bad thing about this is many great stories were forgotten right after they were told.

My brother would remember word for word the story I had made up the night before. Once reminded of the general tale, I would lay back in bed all snuggled in and add to the story from the night before. Soon I would hear my brother sleeping. I would smile to myself and thank the fairies for coming out to play while my eyes closed of their own accord.

July is Watercolor month. The first prompt was reflection.
Old and New meet.

It wasn't called being creative back when I was little, though. It was called walking around with your head in the clouds and not paying attention to what was most important that day. I like the word creative much better.

In my quest to get my life more organized this year...Don't laugh...Okay, go ahead and laugh. I bought a Maisie Lane Company 160 gsm dot grid book. I chose this company because the reviews said the paper could take some watercolor, and it had very little bleedthrough when using markers.

Twenty-five dollars for a hardbound book, with dots printed in it, is what I paid. I am sure it had free shipping and some code to get a little money off, which paid for the embossing on the front with my name.

If you are going to spend money on a hardbound book filled with dots, it really needs your name in gold embossing on the front. That is the rule. Honest. It is.

The Book

My beautiful book came with my shiny gold name on the front. I opened the box up with excitement and saw dots. Lots and lots of dots. I realized then that making a book of dots into a planner that I would want to use would take an awful lot of time each week. At that moment, I knew that I would need to develop another plan for my shiny new book filled with dots because I am lazy.

Now while I am lazy, I am not the bad lazy. I am the impatient kind of lazy. I do not like waiting at all. This is where being creative comes in handy. I can quickly figure out the best way to get from point A to Q by being creative. I will not sacrifice quality by any means, but there is more than one way to ... tackle a job.

I needed to start keeping a daily journal because my brain decided it needed a more extended vacation than the rest of my body this year. The word forgetful doesn't even come close to the nonactivity in my brain at this point.

The best way to start something new is to start small and make it fun, so I did. I would draw a picture of whatever came into my head and write down what I was thinking near it. I liked this idea and found it worked well for me. At the end of each day, I would take stock of how my day went and practice my drawing simultaneously. Color (colour) could be added the next day or two days later.

Concept Art/Trying light peach markers for a skin tone.

It was my book full of dots to do what I wished in it. So I did.

Did that marker mistake bleed through and make a cardinal sitting in my tree?
I love happy mistakes!

A book full of dots has become my companion. It doesn't judge. It lets me create in detail or come back later and finish what I started without making me feel bad.
Best gift to myself ever!

This post was made for the community called The Weekend.
You can find the weekend challenge here: WE81 post topics: Design and create

This Challenge was a lot of fun and made me think. Both always make me happy!

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Gif made by @Snook


Wow, I love this it shows so much creativity! Like how you also come up with the story behind it and the personality

Thank you!!
The Dreem page is about @dreemsteem who I was trying to make a picture for so it was easy to come up with her personality because we are friends.

but yes, a lot of my ideas start in that book.

Merry Christmas!!

Seeing this makes me wanna buy that book with a lot of dots too :) You are creative in both words and drawing :)

Thank You!! That means a lot!!
I just started drawing a little over a year ago but I do love it and being able to add a face to a story I write.

Merry Christmas!! or have a wonderful Saturday!!

And you are doing great having started just over a year ago :) Your creative side definitely shows in your drawings and the story you make using them :) Merry Christmas too :)

I hope you too get a book full of dots.
when you open it the possibilities are endless.
Life doesn't get any better than that :D

I hope so too and it's exciting just thinking about life in general :) We never really know what we are going to get unless we move forward :) Thank you

I know sometimes I get in a rut and I don't always like change. But without change, we do not grow and learn new things like drawing and painting. :D
So in the end it ended up to be a great thing that I did not want to make a bullet journal out of my book of dots. LOL
Sometimes being lazy had great side effects!

Haha, I can relate. At least you were aware and even did something about it.

The book made by @Shadowspub -lishing: Dot Grid 6x9 Journal and published through Amazon.

Thank you :) I will look into it, cheers!

I know someone on the blockchain who has created a dot grid journal .. I think Snook knows her too.

Does that mean I need to give them the link to your dot grid journal? LOLLL

Merry Christmas my friend :D

I guess that depends if there is someone interested in having it or not.

Ohhhhhhhhh you need to go read..........@drabbs587's My Imaginary Friend: Daelin The Dragon post!!! It is jaw-dropping. REALLY

Okay out of words.......just woke up from a 3? 4? hour nap :D

That's really amazing! It's a good hobby to consider :)

That looks like a lot of fun. Good luck with it.


Thank You!! and a wonderful Merry Christmas to you too!!

Thanks for sharing this @snook,

I really like the way you offer a simple solution to keep in touch with our inner child. There are many obstacles to maintain a childlike creativity in the face of real problems today but without creativity there are no new answers.

I have half a shelf of half used empty books. For years I haven't been very successful in keeping any kind of journal. I'm impressed with the way you can keep your ideas and stories alive there. You may actually connect the dots and find some reason to the direction your muses are pulling you.


You are very welcome!

You may actually connect the dots and find some reason to the direction your muses are pulling you.

You are correct!! it is easy to then flip through and see the connections. :D

were you trying to use it just for writing or brainstorming? Snook has put it to a perfect use ... ideas from head to paper.

Yes. Very cool... I like the dots but personally I can't be confined to binding. I make random sketches and stories. Sometimes take pictures but mostly throw them away. Snook suggested keeping them in a box. I will try that.

Thank you.

oh don't throw them away. Keep them somewhere somehow ... our mindsets shift, what we reject today might be perfect tomorrow. Or there might be a concept you can pull out and use in something else.

Thanks. I'll take your word for it and buy a clear file to keep them in at the end of the year.

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I love your drawing. It makes me thinking about my child moment :)

Thank You so much!!