Week Engagement 152 || Famous or Not

image from Canva

Hello everyone,
This is my first post on the weekend experience community and I’ll will be be talking about the topic

Would you like to be famous or not? Make a choice and explain why. Write a post of at least 300 words and use photos you personally took where possible.

For this weeks weekend engagement.

Just like almost everything in this world, being famous also has it ups and downs.
There are two main ways to be famous, that is being famous for a good reason and being famous for a bad reason.

As the saying goes

Fame is a bright flower, but weeds abound mostly around it.

Famous or not ?
I’ll answer this question later, but let’s first discuss the upside and downside of being famous .

Upsides of fame
Being famous is considered to be a good thing, one way or the other we all seek fame through somethings we do, though we sometimes don’t view those things as a way of gaining fame but that is what it is. For example when we create our social media accounts ; IG, Facebook, Twitter etc We all want to have as many followers as possible who enjoy and like what we share on those platforms and we all what to be verified people on those social media platforms.
Let’s come to the good thing about gaining fam, being famous brings about influence on people who follow you and to be able to change the world, you need influence, let’s Take Cristiano Ronaldo for example. He is the most followed person on Instagram and the most famous athlete in the world, he has over 300million followers on Instagram more than any other person there, He is a source of motivation to young and fellow Athletes and has impacted the lives of a lot of people who aren’t athletes who he doesn’t know or even heard of, but because of his fame he has changed a lot of lives.
Erring Haaland is a prominent player known for his goal scoring ability. He said :

“I would love to meet him and tell him I’m a footballer Thanks to him”

Also as a normal person I think fame gives you exposure to a lot of opportunities like ambassadorial deals and sponsorship so you can promote brands even here on hive being famous exposes you to opportunities.
I think we’ve seen the upside of fame now let’s talk about the downside

Downside of fame

Being famous deprives you of private life where every little mistake or problem about you and you family is story worth publishing by the media where they say things that can affect your emotions or your family’s. People will always exaggerate your mistakes and try to tarnish your image every move you make and your normal day life will be monitored. You can’t have a normal life anymore, Also you’ll get criticized for everything you do good or bad. You’ll have to break your moral standards and be bias sometimes to please the people who follow you as you wouldn’t want to lose followers. Being famous exposes you to threats from people who are in disagreement with comments you make on some aspects of life. For example: making comments on politics, religion, human rights, LGBTQ+ etc these are things people have different views about so you’ll always be criticized for having your view about it which’s was supposed to be normal.

With all these being said I think it’s time to answer the question ( famous or not ?) .
Although there are a lot of opportunities that comes with being famous , I want to be able to live a normal life, express my views go to parties and places without attracting any attention of people. I know we can’t avoid criticism and criticisms makes us better but it shouldn’t be something that should hurt your feelings and state of mind. So I would rather not be famous so I can live a peaceful and private life rather than have fame.

I’m happy to create my first post here and I’m looking forward to create more posts here.