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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 47: Favourite transport [answer and win hive]

That has got to be the best thing I've read all day. 😊
Thank you @dandays.

You know, right from when I was a little kid, I loved traveling. All I ever thought of was traveling places, meeting new and different people, talking with them and all. I only just started traveling across states in my country. My country has 36 states and I have only being to 3. First when my father took me along for one of the chieftaincy title coronation long time ago, it was beautiful. Second for my grand mother's burial also long time ago. Third because I went to university in another state.

When I eventually fell in love with photography, I knew I had to travel, I mean, whats a photographer who doesn't travel round the world and tell stories with his pictures.

Your comment is a big motivation for me. I'm definitely working towards it. 😁